...because I am sick to death of hearing comments about how Daniel Radcliffe, the actor who plays Harry Potter, is too old for the role. If they would take a few minutes to do the research, they would find out that Radcliffe was 11 when the filming of the first movie began - the same age as Harry in the first book. They would also know that he was 14 during the filming of the fourth movie, the same age that Harry is in the book.
They knock him for showing clear signs of puberty in the movie. He's 13! Voices change! Hair grows in places we don't talk about! What do they expect?! Radcliffe is experiencing the same changes we see Harry grapple with in the books. His portrayal does not take away from Harry's character - if anything, it enhances it. Furthermore, I would be outraged if they ditched the actor for a younger-looking Harry. Our favorite wizard does grow up, people! If you don't believe me, READ THE BOOKS!
And... I'm done.
In other news, I am watching (and thoroughly enjoying) "Sex and the City" on TBS. One of the characters just said "blow job." Our little basic cable station is growing up.
P.S. I never realized how sexy Sarah Jessica Parker is. What a great head of hair. If only she'd ditch the cigarettes....