I finally finished Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim (a true masterpiece, by the way) and began a new book. I've decided to tackle The Chronicles of Narnia series, so I'm reading the first installment, The Magician's Nephew. After the first line, I was hooked.
"This is a story about something that happened long ago when your grandfather was a child."
By the end of that sentence, I could already feel myself floating out of my body and into C.S. Lewis's world, which I just knew was going to be wonderful. And I'm 24 - imagine reading that as a child!
As I think about what kind of values I want to impress upon my future children, it's overwhelming. But when I think about the insights I've gained from books, the task seems a wee bit easier. Here are just a few.
Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret
From religion to menstruation, there's a time for everything. Plus, those handy "We must, we must, we must increase our bust" exercises.
Flowers For Algernon
Ignorance is bliss.
The Pigman
Creepy old men aren't always what they seem.
Fear Street series
Sometimes there are monsters in your closet.
Nancy Drew Files
Women can do anything...
Sweet Valley High series
...but some things should still wait until the second date.
Archie comics
Threesomes are cool!
The Baby-sitters Club
Duh, I learned how to baby-sit.
Flowers in the Attic series
Reading this at 12, I didn't learn a thing - in fact, I was left with even more questions. "Mom, what's an orgasm?" (You think I'm kidding?)
I love being a writer!