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August 24, 2004


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aaahahahaha.....oh man....i don't even think i need to *say* anything here...just laugh. this just makes my day.

Hopefully, the kindergarten teachers give meaningful talks about not touching other's belongings, no slapping little kids. Ask that brand new kindergarten teacher, Samantha.

I invented Post-Its.

-- Romy

Love your blog. I feel for you. I have co workers always taking my things. They feel free to go into my desk drawer and use my lint roller. They go into my drawer and use my hand cream. They use my city map and think that it belongs to the office. They also eat my food, like breakfast bars and bags of chips. They think I provide things for them. And worst yet, when they use my stuff, they don't put it back in the drawer, they leave it on top of my desk, so some schmuck can make off with it. (LIKE MY CALCULATOR, WHICH I BOUGHT MYSELF). Some people are asses. Now when I go to the store, I parade through with my bags and put stuff into my locker, so they know I have goodies, but can't see what. Now when someone goes "Whatch eatin'?", I'll say, lunch leftovers. Or MY BREAKFAST. Am I bugging you with the crunching?"

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