Why is it that co-workers feel entitled to use your stuff without asking? More to the point, why don't they leave my friggin' Post-Its alone?
I love pens, writing things down, and paper with adhesive strips on the back; thus, it shouldn't come as a surprise that I LOVE POST-ITS. They've conglomerated to form a bright neon-colored Post-It Mountain in the corner of my desk, a mountain with a variety of shape and color.
I suppose leaving them in plain view implies an open invitation to be touched by any person who enters my office, because every time I meet with our director of career development, he reaches across my desk in order to attack Post-It Mountain. He then completely destroys the mountain to find the shape/color of his choice, usually near the bottom of the pile. No "Hey, you mind if I use one of these?" I don't even get a warning: "I'm just gonna grab something to write on, if you don't mind." And it's not like he doesn't have his own pad of paper - his eyes must be held captive by the bright blues and yellows that make up Post-It Mountain, because it never fails. Every time.
I thought it was just him until yesterday when, at a content planning meeting for our employee newsletter, the managing editor (read: "all I do is pick out the fun quote for page four") ripped off a Post-It in order to make a note for herself. To her credit, she pulled it from the top of the pile, but still. Did nobody teach these people not to touch things that aren't theirs? Didn't their kindergarten teachers slap their hands when they reached for another kid's box of crayons?
The world may never know.
aaahahahaha.....oh man....i don't even think i need to *say* anything here...just laugh. this just makes my day.
Posted by: Phil | August 25, 2004 at 03:56 AM
Hopefully, the kindergarten teachers give meaningful talks about not touching other's belongings, no slapping little kids. Ask that brand new kindergarten teacher, Samantha.
Posted by: Anonymous | August 25, 2004 at 08:24 AM
I invented Post-Its.
-- Romy
Posted by: Anonymous | August 25, 2004 at 06:09 PM
Love your blog. I feel for you. I have co workers always taking my things. They feel free to go into my desk drawer and use my lint roller. They go into my drawer and use my hand cream. They use my city map and think that it belongs to the office. They also eat my food, like breakfast bars and bags of chips. They think I provide things for them. And worst yet, when they use my stuff, they don't put it back in the drawer, they leave it on top of my desk, so some schmuck can make off with it. (LIKE MY CALCULATOR, WHICH I BOUGHT MYSELF). Some people are asses. Now when I go to the store, I parade through with my bags and put stuff into my locker, so they know I have goodies, but can't see what. Now when someone goes "Whatch eatin'?", I'll say, lunch leftovers. Or MY BREAKFAST. Am I bugging you with the crunching?"
Posted by: Meow | August 30, 2004 at 11:51 PM