While watching one of my many recorded TV shows yesterday, I found myself tuning in to a commercial advertising the newest Phil Collins compilation. The CD features about 20 Collins classics from the '80s to today. And if that's not enough to sell you, ordering NOW qualifies you to receive a FREE CD opener.
When a once mad-famous pop artist resorts to selling CDs on television, that's sad enough. But when the biggest incentive to buy a CD is a cheesy freebie, it's time to bury the musical hatchet and become a wedding singer.
That being said, I adore Phil Collins, and the majority of his songs can be found on the soundtrack to my childhood. I wrote many of my Randy Wooten love poems to his 1990 hit "Do You Remember?"
Poor Randy Wooten.
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Posted by: PKD | September 20, 2004 at 07:07 PM
Wow - Keith sure has a fish-hook up his nose...
I just want to know what a CD opener is.
Posted by: Violet | September 20, 2004 at 07:09 PM