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November 23, 2004


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Now I assume you meant joE (or Joey), and you didn't really call him Joe or J.O.E.
. . . I mean really . . . if you want to call yourself a fan.

(This is the embarassing part where I tell you I went to their concert for my birthday, to which my sister, aunt, and I wore nearly matching outfits. -the neon sleeves differed in color- And I was in a fan club. I think I was the treasurer, but we didn't have any treasurey.)


Hey, ever hear of poetic license? Deal with it!

I think if I were in the presence of NKOTB and one of them told me to turn around, I'd politely decline. :)

Okay...so NKOTB was my FIRST concert. It was so exciting that I vowed to go to every concert anybody put on. Just cause I loved being at a concert.

But I PROMISE I never went to another on that same level of NKOTB. I mean...I've seen freakin' Paul McCartney two times!

Anyway...this was awesome. Especially the pictures of the guys.

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