I just have to say that, for the last couple of weeks, that Sonic commercial has totally been cracking my stuff up. It's the one where two guys are in a drive-thru, and Guy 1 orders a wuh-rap.
Guy 2: the "w's" silent.
Guy 1: Why would a "w" be silent?
Guy 2:It just is. You know, like wrench?
Guy 1: WUH-rench.
Guy 2: You've been saying wuh-rench?
Guy 1: Yeah. I think you've been saying it wuh-WRONG.
HA! Gets me every time.
Ugh...I can't even remember what restaurant that ad is for, but it makes never want to eat there.
Posted by: Luke | January 22, 2005 at 12:13 PM
It's for Sonic, isn't it?
I can't remember for sure, but I'm pretty sure I'm not wuh-rong.
Posted by: Phil | January 25, 2005 at 01:55 PM