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February 03, 2005


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Have you started Prince Caspian? I just finished it. I forgot how good it was.

I'm half-way through it and enjoy it very much. It's good to have the Pevensie children back - although it you read them according to original publication dates, this would be the second book, not the fourth, and thus no hiatus.

On the topic of Renters Insurance....Christine and I have it and its really a good thing. For example, we had it not even a week and our brand new bicycles were stolen from behind our apartment. Neither of us had owned a nice bike so we kinda went all out on them when we bought them, so even after paying the $250 deductable, the insurance more than paid for itself. Of course, you hope you never need it, but God forbid something like a fire or tornado happens. With all that NY&C stuff you got, you probably have a lot more $$ in clothing than you think...and if case of fire, insurance will cover the replacement cost of that dear wardrobe of yours.


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  • "The Lord is my helper,
    I will not be afraid.
    What can anyone do to me?"
    - Hebrews 13:6

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