My brain, that is. It's still racing with visions of Indianapolis and the lifestyle that will go along with it. Poor Luke has been driven crazy with questions like, "Where should I live? The West Side near work or the North Side near all the fun?" "What kind of dog should I get?" "Should I exnay a landline phone and stick to my cell phone instead?" "How much would a sofa couch cost?" Good thing the big day is this Friday or I'd soon be out one boyfriend.
I've also been trying to pinpoint the best time to wrap things up at work. This is the problem about working for your alma mater in a nonprofit environment where the manpower is overworked and budgets are underfunded. It's not like I can just give two weeks' notice and wipe my hands clean. April is a flurry of Big Important Events, and May starts off with graduation, so the earliest I can take off without packing two big bags of guilt is after that. April should be OK; May will be hard. I can already see myself fiddling around at my desk, organizing papers and windexing my computer monitor and wondering when the hell I can GET OUT OF HERE ALREADY MY GOD IT'S BEEN SEVEN YEARS AND I HAVE TO GO RIGHT THIS MINUTE TO MY FABULOUS NEW LIFE. Hopefully a replacement is hired before I leave so that I don't lay awake at night wondering if the alumni magazine and Web site will fall to pieces because no capable soul is at the helm. But as Luke very wisely reminded me, I'm the one who was shouting from the rooftops just months ago, when the college had to hire a new graphic designer, that nobody is indespensable. And while the idea was depressing before, now it comes as a great relief. Such is life.
Your brain is racing? Well, it is fitting that you are moving to Indianapolis then. The 500 is coming up soon, you know. VRROOOOOOM!
Posted by: Luke | March 28, 2005 at 11:36 PM