Elated parents? Check. Cap and gown? Check. Funny hood thing that one can't quite figure how to wear (hence the Flying Nun imitation)? Check. It really looks like I went to the commencement ceremony for my master's degree. It really does. But by now, you've probably figured out that I didn't.
I had planned on going to the ceremony. I picked up the regalia on Monday and complained for a whole week about the anticipated FOUR-HOUR ceremony that didn't begin until 3:30 p.m. on a SUNDAY, for cripe's sake. I woke up that morning planning to attend; it wasn't until Luke and I were leaving from a quick breakfast in Merrillville that I thought, "Yeah. I'm just not gonna go." I was worried that everyone would be upset with me for waiting until the last minute to announce my new decision, but the family seemed fine. However, since I did have my blue suit of armor, it had to be returned, because I WASN'T fine about paying a $300- to $800-dollar price tag. So Luke, my sister Donna, and I suffered the drive to the Allstate Arena to return said suit, spending a total of two-and-a-half hours in the car. But when we came back, there was pizza, the bags game, and my family--three things there would have been no time to enjoy had I ended up going to the ceremony. I don't think I will ever regret my decision. As much as I loved my classes and my professors, graduate school was not the life-altering experience that undergrad was for me. As a commuter, I didn't participate in campus activities. I didn't live in a dorm. I was friendly with some students, but the number of long-lasting relationships? Maybe one. I never met the president, so it didn't seem worth it, sitting through a bunch of mumbo-jumbo just to shake his hand.
And now, once again, I'm in the real world. I started my new job as communications director for a toxicology laboratory on Monday, and already I've produced a draft outlining the benefits of therapeutic drug monitoring in pain-management clinics. Who'd have thought I'd ever be interviewing my boss/company CEO to get the skinny on urine screens? It feels good to be working again, though, and wearing clothes that can't double as pajamas. Except for today, as Luke and I both have the day off in order to party it up at the Indiana Dunes for a three-day camping trip. It will be my first camping trip. We'll see how I do.
Congratulations on your graduation and your new job. You always did a wonderful job handling Saint Joe's stuff. I'm sure you'll make those urine screens sound amazing. And you do look a bit like Sally Field in that getup. Must be some kind of traditional hazing ritual, my guess.
-- Mel
Posted by: Anonymous | June 17, 2005 at 12:38 PM
For the life of me, I still can't figure out how that silly getup would cost even the low end of that range, let alone as much as $800.
Posted by: Luke | June 17, 2005 at 12:55 PM
Nice! Congrats on your graduation. I hope the new job is turning out to be everything you want it to be. Can't wait to read about your Indiana Dunes trip.
Posted by: Adam | June 18, 2005 at 01:42 PM
Hear,hear, or should that be here,here... Congratulations on the graduation and the non-ceremony decision. In the pictures, you look very happy and like you had a good day.
Ah, The Flying Nun what a fun program.
Posted by: Anonymous | June 18, 2005 at 10:33 PM