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June 17, 2005


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Congratulations on your graduation and your new job. You always did a wonderful job handling Saint Joe's stuff. I'm sure you'll make those urine screens sound amazing. And you do look a bit like Sally Field in that getup. Must be some kind of traditional hazing ritual, my guess.

-- Mel

For the life of me, I still can't figure out how that silly getup would cost even the low end of that range, let alone as much as $800.

Nice! Congrats on your graduation. I hope the new job is turning out to be everything you want it to be. Can't wait to read about your Indiana Dunes trip.

Hear,hear, or should that be here,here... Congratulations on the graduation and the non-ceremony decision. In the pictures, you look very happy and like you had a good day.
Ah, The Flying Nun what a fun program.

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    I will not be afraid.
    What can anyone do to me?"
    - Hebrews 13:6

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    - Anne Lamott

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