Today at work, my boss provided Fazoli's catering for all 58 members of his staff, as a thank-you for some great specimen counts these last few weeks. While I was digging into my lasagna and breadsticks, he stopped by for a chat. Just chit-chat, no big deal. I walked back to my desk, full and content, made a bathroom stop, went to wash my hands, and then I saw it. It. An orange dot of sauce on my forehead. And not even a section disguised by a bouncy little curl. ON MY FOREHEAD.
Looking back, I can recall a quick splatter during the digging-in process, but I thought subtly and cleverly swiping at my nose had adequately solved the problem. I mean, who has to worry about doing a food-check on their damn FOREHEAD?
On a brighter note, I just finished my first pro-science article, one that addresses the benefits of therapeutic drug monitoring in pain-management clinics and delves into the pros and cons of blood vs. urine samples. But wait! The article will be published in a national magazine! Hurrah! Who'd have thought I'd brag about a national writing sample that talked about pee? Hell, who'd have thought I'd have a national sample? I don't even care that I only have joint custody of authorship, or that Practical Pain Management will never be found at Barnes and Noble. I am now Saucy Writing Genius. Will rule the world.
That's OK. I walked around for half the day yesterday with my pants unzipped. Oops.
Posted by: Luke | June 24, 2005 at 06:15 PM
I know a lady that was liturgist at a Methodist Church on Sunday, who discovered two unfastened buttons after the service. Gratefully, this situation was not too revealing.
Posted by: Anonymous | June 24, 2005 at 06:47 PM
Indeed, Saucy Writing Genius will rule the world, and the rest of us will start wearing tomato sauce as well to follow the trend-setting of the genius.
Posted by: Anonymous | June 24, 2005 at 06:51 PM
I loved hearing this live over the phone on my way into Chicago on Friday. Oh... and my most embarassing moment (besides the personal one I shared about the mixed veggies dried on my leg) was when I was 16 and ran straight into a glass door and chipped 1/2 my front tooth off. Duh. -- Di
Posted by: Anonymous | June 30, 2005 at 12:39 AM