Turns out I've been so busy watching TV that I neglected to properly prepare myself for the arrival of this book. I've barely started The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, and I wanted to wait until things settled down before I delved into Chris's masterpiece. Plus, I was hoping to re-read The Order of the Phoenix so that I wouldn't be all, "Huh? When did that happen?" for book six. This dilemma wouldn't seem so gigantic if I liked reading three or four novels at a time. But I don't. I like to savor a book I'm reading, the page I'm on, the universe I'm lost in. I like to go back and review chapters, stew over a plot. In other words, take my sweet time.
So, my options are to keep on as I've been (complaining but doing nothing), drop everything for Harry, or dive into all three universes with a vengeance. I'm sure option number two will win. I hate the idea of missing out on all the hoopla, and if I wait, I just know that all the secrets of number six will be revealed on the Internet, thus cheating me out of a proper Harry experience. C.S. Lewis and Chris will just have to understand. This is the only situation where it's perfectly appropriate for a twenty-five-year-old woman to surrender herself to a (now) sixteen-year-old boy.
Samantha's wedding shower is this Saturday, and I am trying my best to wrap up all the details. Centerpieces, menus, RSVPs, touching up my roots and deciding what to wear.... It's going to be a long week.
Talk about a quick response to my blog . . . I wasn't even finished with the entry and you were there!
Nice. Hope all is well in Indy.
Posted by: Adam | July 12, 2005 at 12:22 PM
Frema! You read my mind.
Yesterday morning before work, I started a blog entry about the arrival of the new HP book and how I'm torn because I'm in the middle of two other books (something I *never* do), but when I went back to finish it, I saw that you already posted yours... and since I've already copied everything ELSE in your life, I decided to draw the line here. ;)
I said something to Steve this morning about feeling a little odd, being a 22-year-old female whose only excitement for the past week has been the anticipation of what will happen next in the life of a 16-year-old boy... and he didn't say anything.
Ooops... I guess I did that thing again where I forget to screen my audience before I say what's on my mind.
But it's really comforting to know that there's another young woman equally in anticipation of the same, twisted event.
My advice: definitely ditch the other books for Harry. C.S. Lewis will definitely understand... and so will Chris (basing my opinion upon the one time I met him, I feel very qualified in my assertion).
Anyway... *I'll* be ditching my other books. Well... book. I'm ditching one, and finishing the other before the weekend so I can prep for Prince Harry.
Happy reading! We'll have to have book chat when its all over.
Posted by: Becky | July 12, 2005 at 01:36 PM
I am rereading it, editing it and rewriting it for the second edition and it is NOT a masterpiece. It's a damn shame you got the first edition--which you should stop reading--because the second edition is the masterpiece.
Posted by: Chris | July 14, 2005 at 11:17 AM
I just read an article about how some places have accidentally put out copies of book 6 ahead of time, and those who bought them were ordered by a judge not to read them until Saturday. But who is really going to wait and how would they know anyway?
Posted by: Luke | July 14, 2005 at 11:41 AM
So here is a thought. . . how come when all these older "women" are excited at the prospect of spending "time" with a sixteen year old boy it is OK. But when older guys count down the days until when Mary Kate and Ashley turn 18 it creepy.
Double standards.
Posted by: Steve | July 14, 2005 at 11:52 AM