Many thanks to all who showed compassion over my bold decision to eliminate cable. I thought I would receive at least one "Cable's a waste of money, anyway, just say good riddance and quit whining about it" rant, but no. My friend Gina was especially eager to talk this out with me. "Hold on, now," she said, genuinely concerned. "There's got to be another way." She suggested I get a second job to cover expenses, and I almost laughed. The idea never even crossed my mind, because a) who gets a second job to pay for extra channels on their TV? and b) I did not just earn my master's degree to work behind a cash register at Borders. If I had a family to support and needed extra money for food and soap that would be another story BUT I DON'T. So no. No second job for me. The three-month digital trial doesn't end until mid-August, so until then I'll continue to deepen the @$$ print on my couch and try to avoid thinking about my upcoming loss. (For Adam: I only signed up for the digital trial because it was fifteen bucks cheaper than the basic plan. Also, at fifty dollars, basic is only ten cheaper than digital. Do you see my dilemma? Do you?)
I remember the first day my family got cable; it was a cold, rainy afternoon in 1987, and the technician was there for what felt like ALL FREAKIN' DAY. But, when he was done? Magic! Suddenly I could watch Dumbo's Circus and The Mickey Mouse Club on the Disney Channel. That's all I needed to know about cable to know it was wonderful. It's how I was introduced to Dynasty. Jon Stewart. Bad movies with Meredith Baxter-Birney and this one flick starring Linda Hamilton and Richard Thomas as a married couple with a son who has AIDS and ending with Linda Hamilton giving him permission to "go towards the light." I was ten years old and never sobbed so much in my entire life.
Sigh. Enough about cable already, because honestly, it's not so important that two entries need to cover it. (I think.) Instead, we'll talk about how sad I was yesterday, when I went to the mall in search of bachelorette-party necessities for my sister's shindig this Saturday. I purchased some pretties for her at Victoria's Secret but not one stinkin' thing for me. Not even underwear, currently on a three-for-thirty-dollars only! sale. Emotionally unable to leave the premises, I found myself in stores once deemed too classy for my blood, fingering the material of several dresses, blouses, and skirts at Ann Taylor and Banana Republic, inwardly weeping over the fact that I have not added to my wardrobe since May and will not have the funds to justify a spree until (hopefully?) fall. I think about this, and my no-cable resolve strengthens. It's more fun to wear what you want than watch What Not to Wear.
Thanks for looking in the old Will Shannon Site O'Bitterness.
I was just cruising the net, looking for people from the past and ran across your site. Very nice.
Congrats on the De Paul graduation. I graduated as well, but there was little fanfare. My advisor has the annoying habit of leaving the country, so nothing got done in time for the official graduation. My degree was conferred on July 15.
As for Wisconsin, I was accepted into the Ph.D. program in History at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. I figured, in for a penny, in for a pound. It is a good program and I am working with a professor whose works helped to get me interested in my field of study (early 19th century Irish social history).
It will be my first move away from home, not counting SJC. I am both thrilled and terrified. I just signed an apartment lease and the reality is starting to sink in. Well, I guess a change of scenery will do me good.
I hope all is well in the "Circle City." I know that, as you well understand, Chicagoans moving to Indiana can be a bit of a demotion, but hey, I'm moving to Wisconsin, so I have no room to talk.
Take care and good to talk to you.
Posted by: Will Shannon | July 28, 2005 at 04:10 PM
And, if you took a second job, when would you watch the cable channels?
Posted by: Anonymous | July 28, 2005 at 05:56 PM
When I saw the title to this entry I thought that maybe you had set up a PayPal account for people to donate to your cable fund . . . hmmm . . . not a bad idea.
Posted by: Maura | July 28, 2005 at 07:03 PM
I always thought that Banana Republic was a lame name for a store, since it really refers to the government of small tropical islands run my cranky despots. Makes me think that all the apparel is made in sweat shops. Besides, it is really just an overpriced version of the freakin' Gap, which is another crumby name for a store.
Posted by: Luke | July 29, 2005 at 12:26 AM
But not as dumb as "The Limited." Honestly. Every time I see their sign, I think, "Well forget that. They can't possibly have any selection there."
Posted by: Maura | July 29, 2005 at 12:19 PM
I think "The Limited" earned its name by pricing items in such a way that you can only afford to buy a limited number of them at one time. Which is such a shame, because I heart their clothes.
Posted by: Frema | July 29, 2005 at 12:21 PM