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August 23, 2005


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My first blog entry.So excuse and mispelled words. I use spell check and this does not have it.
I am very happy for you and Luke.
It just takes mom time to get comfortable with and idea.He is a woderful and caring man. I have no fear of his love for you and marriage.I will take care of mom. I can not wait to try Lukes dip when we come to visit.I lived with John for a year and we still married a year and one month later.I am pleased to let everyone know I had coffee with the new bride Monday morning and she is very happy and was tickled pink when she seen her new name on my caller I.D.She was on her way to get a name change on her D.L and she will now be a full fledge Bride.The party was hot,but who cares. It was fun. I had to laugh when I asked John for the steak knife to cut my girdle off to releive my fat for fresh air. (just kidding). It came off.Well thats it for now. Keep loving each other and enjoy. It is your life. Love you very much.

Don't you look pretty! That blue is a great color on you.

If I were your mom I'd be proud that you're doing what feels right to you. Congrats on movin' on up.

You know, I've never heard anyone say anything nice about the people who work at Sallie Mae ever.

But you are in luck! They don't actually make 400-dollar-bills, so just tell them that they'll have to take it up with the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing.

Frema! You look absolutely gorgeous! And your sister's flowers are just perfect, love it all. I'm so glad that you had fun.

Good luck to you and Luke, I think you'll have a great time.

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