Glory be! I am officially with Internet at home. As I was visiting my daily reads, subconsciously forming ideas for blog entries, Liz tagged me! Now check me out!
Ten years ago, August 1995
I was in the summer before my sophomore year in high school and revelling in the looooove I had found with my first official boyfriend. Spent much of that summer crying, as my first official boyfriend had a bad habit of not calling me for three weeks in a row. Discovered Jewel and The Shawsank Redemption. Despite being over for ten years, the eighties were taking refuge in the height of my bangs. Was very self-conscious about my butt and never wore a shirt that didn't cover it completely. Began the sequel to my first baby's-mama-drama, Love, Betrayal, and a Baby, a story I will absolutely make you read when I am that tapped for blog-entry ideas. Babysat two children under the age of eight three days a week for twenty-five bucks. Spent money on french fries and candy. This may explain why I also had acne, BUT MAYBE NOT SO LEAVE ME ALONE.
Five years ago, August 2000
Summer before junior year in college and was in looooove with "Oh-my-god-he-lives-with-his-mother" boyfriend number 2. Was working at the Sam Goody in Water Tower Place in downtown Chicago and almost caught a glimpse of Sting. Had one of the best hair summers of my life. Had my first this-is-my-fault-I-think? car accident where I merged into the left lane and was hit by the van next to me. We both pulled into the nearest Krispy Kreme (yes, I still had acne, didn't I tell you to leave me be?), but he took off when I suggested calling the cops. Story was altered to paint a picture of a hit-and-run when I told my parents the next day, and unless they read this blog, they will never know the truth. (Mwa, ha ha!) I spent the next two months worrying that the van guy would track me down at Sam Goody and garnish my $5.45/hour wages to pay for what I imagined to be thousands of dollars' worth of damage.
Yesterday, Saturday August 27, 2005
Spent the day with so-not-a-loser boyfriend number 3, the last boyfriend I will ever have. Had a crappy breakfast featuring some new version of Alpha-Bits that boasts of NO SUGAR! and WHOLE GRAINS! The box may as well have shouted, "Eat this crap if you like Cheerios but are frightened of their perfect, circular shape!"
Hiked at a local city park. Had Boston Market for dinner. Watched Sin City and ate a fourth of a pint of Ben and Jerry's Peanut Butter Cup ice cream--and that was showing restraint. Connected to the joyous, joyous Internet.
Tomorrow, Monday, August 29, 2005
Will possess the superhuman capability of not checking blogs until lunchtime, now that I can play on the Web all night long at home. See graphic-design proof of employee handbook and eat Ramen noodles in a cup for lunch, because pay day is still five days away. Attend fitting for post-Labor Day fashion show. Probably regret the Ben and Jerry's I devoured on Saturday night. Possibly also cry.
At night, talk to Luke about Moving Day. Vaccuum the new patch of carpet in my living room, since the couch that used to cover it now resides in Bloomington with my sister. Possibly sit on the floor and watch episodes from the first season of Murder, She Wrote, or maybe just the episode where Monica and Chandler move in together on Friends. That episode is, like, so symbolic of my life. Kinda. Our apartment is a lot smaller than theirs.
I know most of the lyrics of these five bands/artists
- Mariah Carey (pre-Glitter)
- Lionel Ritchie
- Liz Phair
- Elton John
- Shania Twain
Five things I'd do with a million dollars
- Pay off all debt--car, student loans, credit card. Hasta la vista, baby!
- Buy some Proactive so I can get rid of my acne, because, enough already
- Convince Luke that we'll be able to comfortably afford more than two children
- Name something after myself (Why Frema's Chubby Cheesecake?)
- Buy more clothes for my Build-a-Bear
Five places I'd run away to
- Navy Pier
- Disneyworld
- Niagra Falls
- A mall that has New York and Company, The Limited, and a department store with a Clinique counter
- Home
Five bad habits I have
- Flatulating. Am famous for SBDs
- Biting the skin around my nails
- Telling people how much I pay for things ("Hey, great shoes!" "Payless. Only ten bucks!")
- Ending up at my destination five to ten minutes late, regardless of where I'm going
- Leaving laundry in the dryer overnight
Five things I like doing
- Blogging
- Reading
- Thinking about excercising
- Talking about the future (anyone's will do)
- Eating spinach dip
Five things I wouldn't wear
- Tube tops
- Ankle bracelets
- Necklaces
- Earrings
- Socks with those individual toe things. Creepy!
Five movies I love
- While You Were Sleeping
- When Harry Met Sally (seriously, Liz!)
- The Wedding Singer
- It's a Wonderful Life
- Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery
Five famous people I'd like to meet
- Kiefer Sutherland
- Tobey Maguire
- Edward Furlong (aka John Connor in Terminator 2)
- Clinton and Stacy from What Not to Wear
Five favorite toys
- Food processor
- Work's digital camera
- My new work computer
- Pen collection
- Shredder
Person to tag
Luke! because, duh
But also Painting Chef
Posted by: Anonymous | August 29, 2005 at 04:55 AM
It means I had to fill out these fun, wacky fields of information, commonly known as "memes." Liz was tagged, so she filled this out on her site. Now I've done it on mine, Luke and Painting Chef will do it on theirs, and so on. The fun never has to end!
Posted by: Frema | August 29, 2005 at 09:01 AM
Great answers. So you were one of the lucky ones who could achieve great bang height? I aspired, but alas, I have a head full of fine hair that was adamantly opposed to perms and/or hairspray.
Posted by: Liz | August 29, 2005 at 11:12 AM
You know, these are a bit like those e-mail surveys that people, especially you, like to forward all over the place. But fine I'll do it.
Posted by: Luke | August 29, 2005 at 12:43 PM
that was a lot of fun to read. thanks for posting it :)
Posted by: honestyrain | August 29, 2005 at 02:59 PM
Just to clarify: When you say a favorite toy is "Shredder," you are not referring to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' arch rival? I assume you mean paper shredder, and you don't want to get the hopes up of all those TMNT fans.
Posted by: Maura | August 29, 2005 at 04:25 PM
I never got really big bangs either. They were defiant. Looking back, I'm grateful.
Boyfriend who didn't call for 3 weeks? That's no fun.
Posted by: Bearette24 | August 29, 2005 at 05:30 PM
Okay, I'm so going to do this but it may take me a few days to get to it...
Posted by: PaintingChef | August 29, 2005 at 07:05 PM