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September 02, 2005


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So now the Lab is offering Pokemon Cards? "With every ten urine tests get free Pokemon cards!"

Frema baby (Ms Frema if you're nasty) you find your way and make your happines as you always do.

I do believe in parental karma... What you give or do to your parents -- pride, joy, love and the occassional disappointment -- will come back your way with your lil' ones. My personal cosmic assessment? I don't believe this change of living arrangements will doom the fate of the future lil' fremas. -- Di :)

I'm so happy for you both! Living in different can be so stressful, Patrick and lived 5 hours apart for a while and that? Was WRETCHED. Isn't it fantastic to finally find someone you can burp and fart in front of?

Actually, I never even owned Pokemon cards at all, ill-gotten or otherwise.

This is a sweet post. And look at how far you guys have come since this!!

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  • "The Lord is my helper,
    I will not be afraid.
    What can anyone do to me?"
    - Hebrews 13:6

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