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September 07, 2005


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Fine, but you're going to eat whatever I make for dinner then and no complaining, even if I only cook seafood dishes with a side of peas every night.

I can't WAIT to hear how the fabulous modeling debut goes!

That's not "white trash." That's good time management.

Plus, Sliders are an essential part of any diet.

Sometimes if you pat finishing powder on The Crease before it becomes The Crease, then apply your shadow, then finish with some more powder, The Crease can be weakened (sometimes even defeated, but most always at least weakened). I rub my finger over a compact then rub it onto my eyelid... forget those brushes.

Also, I've found that if you use the powder trick coupled with liquid eyeshadow (the kind that comes in a tube), The Crease can become disoriented and you'll be Crease-free for longer than you expected.

Of course, I'm not wearing all that much makeup these days... but my faith in makeup tricks still stands.

The fashion show will be fabulous - just remember not to drink too many mini bottles of champagne... we don't want a Carrie "Fashion Roadkill" incident.

You should watch Season 4, Disc 1, "The Real Me" before you go out there. It will show you the worst of all possible outcomes but leave you with a huge sense of confidence for your big day.

Can't wait to hear about it!

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    I will not be afraid.
    What can anyone do to me?"
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