Well, it's the eve of the day my modeling career is sure to take off, and I don't feel ready. Never found the time or the twenty dollars to get that professional blow-out I wanted so badly, so my public will have to settle for The Curls. Which is bad enough, as the chances of strutting my stuff on the runway with frizzy hair have now doubled, but we beauty queens are also expected to do our own make-up. I am getting much better at this but still have not yet mastered avoiding The Crease. Girls, you know what I'm talkin' about--you start the day with gorgeously applied eye shadow and end up with it caked in the crevice of your lid. Even with this product, designed to specifically prevent such atrocities, The Crease lives, adding a slight dent in my love for all things Clinique. Am I using too much? Too little? I have heard both answers, as they vary with each counter I visit. Very frustrating.
Plus, upon requesting directions on how to work it, I've been told, "These are your friends, people you know, so just have fun with it." Actually, Parisian special events coordinator, these people are not my friends. They are friends in the MAKING, which means it's very important I don't make an @$$ out of myself. This being the case, the following moves have been considered but pretty much kaboshed:
- Running fingers through hair and shaking head playfully
- Flashing innocent citizens with the inside of my jacket
- Raising eyebrows suggestively
- Twirling
- Kicking a heel in the air
- Voguing
- Gripping knees and laughing playfully a la Betty Boop
- Shaking what my mother gave me
I will totally make an @$$ out of myself.
This post reads as frazzled as I feel, and it's not just the fashion show. It's like my life hasn't had a chance to slow down since I moved here; there's always been something on my plate: graduating, starting my job, helping with my sister's wedding, Luke and I deciding to live together, helping his brother and sister-in-law get ready for a move into their new house.... Today was so crazy that I pulled the White Trash card and ate White Castle take-out in the waiting room of a Jiffy Lube, just to get dinner in. I am ready for normalcy. I eagerly anticipate the days where I can come home, nestle into my beloved reading chair, and devour Harry Potter shenanigans until Luke is finished with dinner. Afterwards, he'll brush my hair, rub my feet, and paint my toes, but not before he's prepared me a warm bubble bath and set my night to music.
Having a live-in boyfriend is going to be great. I just know it.
Fine, but you're going to eat whatever I make for dinner then and no complaining, even if I only cook seafood dishes with a side of peas every night.
Posted by: Luke | September 07, 2005 at 10:05 AM
I can't WAIT to hear how the fabulous modeling debut goes!
Posted by: PaintingChef | September 07, 2005 at 02:52 PM
That's not "white trash." That's good time management.
Plus, Sliders are an essential part of any diet.
Posted by: Will Shannon | September 07, 2005 at 03:51 PM
Sometimes if you pat finishing powder on The Crease before it becomes The Crease, then apply your shadow, then finish with some more powder, The Crease can be weakened (sometimes even defeated, but most always at least weakened). I rub my finger over a compact then rub it onto my eyelid... forget those brushes.
Also, I've found that if you use the powder trick coupled with liquid eyeshadow (the kind that comes in a tube), The Crease can become disoriented and you'll be Crease-free for longer than you expected.
Of course, I'm not wearing all that much makeup these days... but my faith in makeup tricks still stands.
The fashion show will be fabulous - just remember not to drink too many mini bottles of champagne... we don't want a Carrie "Fashion Roadkill" incident.
You should watch Season 4, Disc 1, "The Real Me" before you go out there. It will show you the worst of all possible outcomes but leave you with a huge sense of confidence for your big day.
Can't wait to hear about it!
Posted by: Becky | September 07, 2005 at 04:40 PM