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October 27, 2005


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Anonymous--I edited this entry slightly after you commented to lay down some ground rules. I only deleted your comment because I didn't want nobody rippin' off yo' dope answers. I still love you, though! Please come back and offer new words of wisdom!

$W%^*, I didn't know any of these! Not a single '80s song in the bunch.

That's not true...!

I know some of them, but not all...

"you never trust a big butt and a smile!" ;)

you edited all
they was no dope answers they was guesses oh man

Anonymous--I knew they were guesses. I still have them in my e-mail.

I'm so excited that I know the answers to number 8 and 9! The fact that I lived with you 3/4 of my life and I don't know the other 8 songs hurts my heart! But then again, I always did have the better taste in music!! ;)

I can not guess not one of them.
I guess I am not a nerd. Ha ha.
Auntie Betty xoxox

#7 Is the only one I know right away. But I think some of the others will come to me!

No..wait...I know #9 also, well, I can sing those lines but the name of the song AND the artist are both escaping me...

I will exclude myself from the competition since I have too many cheating tools at my librarian disposal... ;-)

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    What can anyone do to me?"
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