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October 12, 2005


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AHEM, just because we talked about the Karate Kid movies that day and you thought about writing on the subject, does not give you exclusive blogging rights over them.

You're willing to let go over your hairdresser? You're growing up so fast sniff, sniff.

Although, I DO want to know who in Indy commissioned a bronze statue of a beaver appearing to make love to a lamp post. Oh wait, he's chewing on a tree trunk. Sorry, nevermind.

I've shopped in Ulta once or twice but never visited their salon.

Love the hair! At one point, every single woman on my husband's "affair list" was a redhead. Please notify me if you plan to visit DC. ;-)

Watch yourself with the whole switching salons business. I know it seems brave and economical now.... but if you're not careful, you'll end up with a mullet only days before your college graduation simply because you wanted to try something more grown-up.

Yeah, I'm bitter... I'm not ashamed. I miss my long hair :(

But I'm glad that you're giving it a shot.... I wish you the best of luck.

Who said anything about economical? I plan on spending big bucks at whatever salon I go to. The snobbier, the better. My hair has endured too many freak hair cuts and color combos to go cheap now.

It doesn't matter about the salon. It matters about the hair stylist that work there. You can go to super cuts and get a good hair cut if the stylist is good.

My verification word is sdang!

I understand that. But the last couple of "Super Cuts" type places I've been to have not been very great. Enve was more expensive, but I've been happy with every stylist I've worked with.

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