How dorky am I? So dorky that I am an official volunteer for this exhibit.
It's only being showcased in six museums in the entire world, with only three of them located in the United States. The other two cities are Boston and Houston. Not sure when Indianapolis reached the status of "pop-culture cool," but this Hoosier isn't asking any questions. I'm just going to show up for my two shifts a month for the next three months and attempt to acquire as many token freebies as possible. No pun intended.
I'm also excited to see just how many high-school dropouts will show up dressed like Frodo and Gandalf. When I was in college, I saw Star Wars: The Phantom Menance with the Three-Weeks-Without-Calling Boyfriend, who I've referenced several times in the blog and was the type of guy who thought it perfectly appropriate to paint his face red and black and don a floor-length cape and call himself Darth Maul on opening day. Sadly, I can see how this may have been cool with his Magic-playing, pot-smoking, questionably hygiened friends, but when you're on a date and without a car so you have to take the bus to the movie theater and normal people are staring at you and thinking, "What in the hell...?" Not so much. To be fair, I suppose I should be grateful he wasn't sporting a lightsaber.
It's a good thing the exhibit is based on the Lord of the Rings film trilogy and not the books, because while I adore the movies and saw each one at the show, the only J.R.R. Tolkien novel I've finished is The Hobbit, and that took me a full calendar year. (Apparently, it's very easy to distract me.) I ended up loving The Hobbit so much that I once named a goldfish after Bilbo. He only lasted a couple of days. (Damn county fair goldfish!) Hopefully that's not used as a measuring stick of my devotion.
All that talk about Lord of the Rings fandom and not one mention of going to see Frodo-A-Go-Go.
Posted by: Luke | October 05, 2005 at 01:11 AM
I don't think you're a dork, I think you're kind of brave... those types of conventions really kind of scare me.
[My first comment as a blogger.]
Posted by: Number Twelve | October 05, 2005 at 10:40 AM
Don't worry, Frema, the Hobbit was the best book of the four.
...sidebar: Number Twelve sure has cute kids.
Posted by: Anonymous | October 05, 2005 at 06:49 PM
I only got through The Hobbit. The next book didn't seem interesting, somehow.
Posted by: Bearette24 | October 05, 2005 at 08:31 PM
Paulo loves you.
Posted by: Paulo | October 06, 2005 at 12:43 PM