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October 21, 2005


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I think Indianapolis would be a better place to raise children and it's cheaper then Chicago. If Matt didn't have a good job here I would like to move to Indiana

Its that moment at the end of the day that makes wherever you are home. I find the same thing to be true living in Augusta away from everyone I've ever loved except for the one I've loved the most.

You know, we've really kind of mirrored each other in the way our lives have gone since finishing at St. Joe. Granted, you got a masters in the meantime...but we both have moved away from what our comfort zones are. Ironically, mine was Indy, and now I'm in Chicago...go figure.

When I moved to M-ville to live with Miles, I thought that this was the end of the world. You know the very edge right before the sea monsters. The distant place from home (Fort Wayne) had no sidewalks, street lights, bookstores, or other signs of cultural civilization. But, here I am 40 years later, still in M-ville and still with Miles. Luckily, there are bookstores as well as theaters here now. Additionally, although our family lives elsewhere, we do have friends here in Merrillville. And, the world is not flat afterall so we will not be eaten by any sea monsters.

I know it's hard for you to be away my darling sister. You have accomplished so much at such a young age and we're all SOOOO proud of you. When I get a car that can drive for more than 5 consecutives miles without dying out, I WILL come and visit you. I love you Nootch.

OK, Painting Chef's comment rocks. I've mentioned being in Boston for a few years right after Joe and I got married. It was the best thing we'd ever done for our relationship. And mind you, we'd been a couple for about eight years prior to making the move. Together you are creating your own way. And the creative process is NOT a simple one.

Well, that would make anywhere good for something.

Give Indianpolis time. It really is an enchanting city when you get to know it.

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