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November 17, 2005


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Still, we have yet to watch any shows on those DVD sets that we had to have so badly a few days ago.

Another way to look at family is that we are "priceless" (meaning with no price); hence, we really do NOT need all the lovely and thoughtful presents that Luke and Frema always buy. Although the Panini-maker is one of the best presents ever, your families are happy with your company at the holidays.

However, if things get too difficult, we can always send grilled sandwiches to the cardboard box address.

I have many boxed sets that I just had. to. have. that I have yet. to. watch. as well. TV on DVD is the devil.

Oh you can borrow my 1st season of Roseanne and that could help you deal with no Cable! ;)

Hey! Now that you've got InDesign on your computer you get do some layout work on the side. I know of a company that will keep you busy. :-)

I will for "Work for Food" makes a good sign; then, people stop by and give you money because they do not actually want to give you work.

I love that you posted & understand exactly where I'm coming from! Also, If you don't mind I would love to do 100 fun facts about myself much like you did on your blog -- let me know if that's okay!

The only TV show we own on DVD is Freaks and Geeks, a wonderful but wrongfully short-lived show...

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