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December 13, 2005


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Hey, I did add frozen vegetables to the noodles, so it wasn't just plain old ramen. Plus, we went out for a nice breakfast the next morning.

The soon-to-be Mrs.D!!!!!!!!!

Congrats!!! I'm very excited for you! Please feel free to share ideas with me. We're getting married in Schererville that September. Again, congrats. :)

Congratulations!!! And spinach dip, of course, had to be mentioned ;)

CONGRATULATIONS!!! That's so wonderful! And um...excuse me...where is the close-up ring picture! HELLO!!!

Congrats!!! There will be a spinach dip bar at the reception, no?

Congrats to both of you!! Now LET'S SEE THAT RING. ;)

Congratulations on your official engagement!

I'll say prayers for you to Agnes and Anne (patrons of the engaged).

My sincerest plaudits and congrats to both of you.

Boy, this and the mishegoss of the Chrismonewyearukkah combine of responsibilites...you both have incredible fortitude.

Best of luck with the planning stages.

Again, mazel tov.


Hehe - Liz, my thoughts exactly.

The close up picture is on my blog...and I am so happy for you two!!!
The Proud Matron of Honor

Congrats FREMA!!!!!! and LUKE!!! And I got to see The Ring in person.

Yea!!!, the blogging world has been waiting for the news. Luckily, there are three blogs that speak about the much anticipated engagement. All of the pictures are great. I know you are having and will have the great life.

HOORAY!! Just had to say again that we are SOOOO happy for you guys!!

Great news for the both of you.Have fun and enjoy.I can't wait for the food at your wedding.
Lots of love

Congrats to the both of you!!!!

I am very happy for you and Uncle Luke. Love Little Matthew
I wuv you Auntie Bre

It is a real joy of life to have daughters after all these years. An expanding family is wonderful.

Daddy D.

God Bless you both
Auntie Ruthie

You know, you could say that this has been a long time-a-comin, but then Luke would just make fun of you.

Non stop.


at random moments bringing it up.



I, too, feel like I just gained a sister. Although, luke and I aren't related.

CONGRATULATIONS, you messy christmas card giver! ;)

Frema congrats and HOLY CRAP are we the same person? My fiance and I have been dating for 4.5 years as well, and we'll be getting married in May (the 27th). Awesome to hear your story!

Oh honey congrats!! You sound so happy, which is just wonderful! :)

I just wanted to make it a even 25 comments for you. Love you and take care.

Congratulations! How exciting--I wish you and Luke nothing but the best! :)

Where are you Frema?

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