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December 23, 2005


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Actually, I think most of our wrapping was done sans TV, listening to the Vince Guaraldi Trio. And it may be a long, long time before you trick me into watching A Very Brady Christmas again.

Merry Christmas Frema, and I hope you have lots of spinach dip. And no omelettes or oatmeal.

I'll watch A Very Brady Christmas with you Frema!.

I think that the name of the song is, "Buffalo Gal, Won't You Come out Tonight,"

Or maybe just "Buffalo Gals"

Breain, if you do not bring home A Very Brady Christmas, I swear I am not speaking to you! We have to watch it as a famiyl. ;) I don't know what I'll do if I miss Mike Brady getting stuck at the construction site. :(

Have a holly jolly Christmas!

My two holiday films are "White Christmas" and "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation." Gotta love tradition.

Merry Christmas. I am so glad you enjoyed the holidays. Love you.


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