I'm sure that's what some of you have been thinking, as I've been a little lazy here in the last seven days. I attended my work dinner last Thursday night, where one of our dining companions joked that I looked like my boss's granddaughter; I was also part of a charming lunch in which the same person dribbled potato chips from his mouth, executed a standard "lean-in" when he wanted us to laugh at one of his jokes, and commented on the state of immigration in California. I observe people like this and sincerely wonder when status trumped a sense of self-awareness.
Then there was my four-planes-in-two-days trip to Minnesota, where I and two reps toured several printing houses and cashed in on various free goodies. I enjoyed sleeping blissfully in a hotel room all to myself and splurging here at the Mall of America. I did not enjoy eating in the American Legion of Minneapolis, where the most gourmet dish on the menu was a meatloaf sandwich (with chips!), or being the only person who didn't know squat about sports. But I'm home now, eagerly looking forward to eating meals in the privacy of my cubicle or, ideally, in my own home.
Weekend plans are sketchy. My friend Trina is scheduled to fly in tomorrow from Chicago to spend a couple of days here, but with all the snow both Chi-town and Indy have received, plus this incident, that's not likely. This week was my first time on a plane in over three years, and between the Midway crash and bomb scare in Florida, I'm even more thankful for coming out of my travels unscathed. It's exactly those kinds of scenarios that play in my head whenever I prepare to take off or land. I have to close my eyes and grip the arm rests and pray it isn't time for me to meet my maker just yet. Car accidents are scary enough, thank you very much, and I've had my fill of those this year.
Luke and I will make a trip north this Sunday to visit family and friends. I hope to have some interesting things to say about that when we return.
There's nothing like bad weather and crazies to take the fun out of anything.
Posted by: Luke | December 09, 2005 at 05:15 PM
Minnesota from Indy, eh?
You probably flew right over me.
Did you smell the Hamburger Helper simmerin'?
I am hoping for corporate sponsorship for my academic career from Betty Crocker, I use so much of the stuff.
Crunchy Taco, where have you been all of my life?
Posted by: Will Shannon | December 09, 2005 at 09:40 PM
I love you Breain and I am so glad that you are safe sister. I can't wait to see you and Luke for Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Sambo V. | December 10, 2005 at 06:40 PM
Dear God,
I'd like to put in a personal request that you hold off from takin' our Frema for a century, or maybe two. THANKS!
Much love,
No. 12
Posted by: Number Twelve | December 11, 2005 at 04:31 PM