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January 09, 2006


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Happy birthday!!!

Happy Birthday, Frema. Hope there's some b-day spinach dip coming your way. And good luck to Luke!

Wow, this is a popular blog birthday. It's Lish's birthday (austinlish99.blogspot.com) too. She says it is also Elvis Presley's birthday. Anyway, have a happy!

I'm wrong, Elvis and Lish were born on the 8th. Close, though.

Happy Birthday! My offer still stands for doing your hair!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! Emmie would sing it to you. Maybe I'll teach her it so when she sees you next "Happy Birthday, Frema!"

happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear bre, happy birthday to you.
Don't I have a nice voice?
love you very much

Just think, ~9months and 26 years ago your parents were.... uh, nevermind.



happy Brithday.

Your are the best.

Daddy D.

Happy Birthday Frema,
I hope that this is your best year yet.

Happy, Happy Birthday!

Mmmmm child! Happy birthday to you, you live in the zoo, you look like a monkey and smell like one too! (Was anyone else thinking about that rendition of the b-day song??)


Happy Birthday!

Tom is a very funny man!

I am so embarassed that I had you on the phone AFTER reading this blog and missed the opportunity to tell you Happy Birthday. DOH!

Hope you had a great birthday!!

Happy Belated Birthday! I hope your 26th year is the best one yet!


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  • "The Lord is my helper,
    I will not be afraid.
    What can anyone do to me?"
    - Hebrews 13:6

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    - Robert Frost

    "Breathe, pray, be kind, stop grabbing."
    - Anne Lamott

    "Mere completion is a rather honorable achievement in its own right."
    - Liz Gilbert

    "When we tell our stories,
    we change the world."
    - Brené Brown