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January 14, 2006


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You're always beautiful, whatever you do with your hair.

i actually really like the new cut and color. it's different, but that's why i like it.

good luck with the fitting!

Hives, huh? The punches just keep on rolling in. I'm sure that your facial expression in that picture doesn't let your readers really get a chance to judge your hair. Nevertheless, you have a beautiful face so you can pull off ANYTHING. ;)

How is it that you look equally as cute in BOTH pictures. Seriously, Frema. The hair is most definetly different, but you? You make it work with your silly lil' smirk.

That being said, maybe we should consider taking up a collection during your wedding shower to fund a trip to Brenda for the big day just to be on the safe side.

I think you look great!

oh frema,
We all still love you and think you are beautiful. I think the new do is cute. Love Auntie Betty

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