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January 18, 2006


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First of all this, was really well written. And you have reaffirmed my belief in everyday miracles. I am so happy for you and Luke... not everyone has found their "penguin." And 20% down a good idea, but not a necessity. Just so you know.

And maybe we can plan a rafting trip in there somewhere, too. Who knows?

Frema, I got my own place without 20% down I'm single with a child, plus I'm a teacher! You and Luke can do it too, it's doable!

I love love love your china! I'm keeping you in my prayers because I cannot imagine planning a wedding & know that I would be about a million times more stressed out than you are! I hope your plan to chill out works!! :)

Pretty! And nice that it belonged to Luke's grandma. :)

Having a plan or a goal is good. If you redefine the goal or plan, that is indeed a practical approach to life. I admire the way that you two think things through; and then, you are willing and able to rethink matters.

We've been going through the same thing, in terms of wanting a home (not so much the baby part yet, that is all you hun). We 'planned' to spend our first anniversary in our own condo. Earlier this month the reality set in that we'll be 3/4s of the way to our 2nd anniversary before we own a place....we hope at least ;)

And congrats on the EASY china solution.

Your china is beautiful...and how very special to be from Luke's gramma! That's great!

I should be the last person to advise you on this as I got married right out of college and impatiently had my first child in just my second year of teaching...but take it a step at a time with the wedding, house, babies, etc. Time FLIES, and I promise it will be no time at all before you have not only your first baby, but also your last, and feel like the most blessed mama on the planet as you and Luke kiss them goodnight and they profess their love for you. (And then they will spit water all over their jammas and beds...haha!)

Hey I'm married, have a two year old, baby number 2 on the way and live in an apartment. I would love to have a yard for the kids to run in, have my own washer& dryer and have a dog. But being in an apartment is not the worst thing that can happen to you. At least you have a roof over your head and you can cuddle up with a man that loves you!

PS I will tell you later why I have not been able to blog

I'm happy that you're happy with your decision sister. I know that you and Luke are very smart and everything will piece together, as it always does. You two really have things together. ;)

Time moves into the future. Time is change and thereby, new and different arrangements happen all along. With your brains all of the plans will come together. Just keep working on the process.

Love and joy are yours.

Daddy D.

Listen to your father in law.
He sounds like a wonderful wise man.
good advice daddy d

Apparently, you won't be eating too many slices of bacon on the heirloom china.

You know, you really should not just use the China for "special" occasions". Good things are meant to be used now and something so pretty needs to be celebrated. There's a sappy story about some woman who waited to wear her fancy lingerie and then when she was going to wear it for her hubby, he died in a plane accident...

What pretty china! Very lovely!

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