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January 16, 2006


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No, YOU'RE eight! HA! How do you like them apples!?

Mary Kay makes a primer that works well with eliminating the creases in eye make-up.

Since I've retired from blogging (retired as in from sports....meaning that at any time I can come back "for the love of the game"), I expect that you'll help us all out by posting a fangirl account of the first two hours of 24. Come on now....the first ten minutes changed EVERYTHING!!!

I guess that I bad-mouthed the memes. However, they are just like top ten lists. Remember one summer; you had us making top ten lists on assorted topics. That was fun deciding what I like, and then, comparing my list to others.

Flowers for Algernon is a great book.

hey breain!! i was just dropping into the blog world and i wanted you to know that i do read your blog, because you and samantha are so blog crazy!! im very excited about the wedding and i am truly honored to be standing for such a beautiful occasion. i love you very much and you are a great role model and person who deserves a great wedding day!!
love you forever, your sister


Are you an Austin Powers fan? I had to wonder when I saw the "shits and giggles" part...

Hey, there's no post about 24 here!

I'll miss your Meme's because you make them so fun to read!

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    I will not be afraid.
    What can anyone do to me?"
    - Hebrews 13:6

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    - Robert Frost

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    - Anne Lamott

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    - Brené Brown