The old saying is actually true, because after three weekends of drama, it look only three tries for this bride to find her match. And I'll feed you good folks the same info I gave Luke: tea-length, white, and strappy heels. It's not too far off from the creation my mother designed for me the day we announced our engagement, titled "The Mommy Said Dress" because Mommy said I might like an illustration that showed just how pretty I would look in white--none this creme or ivory-colored nonsense. Not that she was inflexible; when I shared my decision to ditch the baker's hat-slash-veil and replace the Hawaiian flowers with roses and daisies, she took it very well.
(Note: I've spent the last six minutes unsuccessfully proposing and then promptly discarding jokes in regards to my alter ego's Rocky Mountain bustline, but it's too late and I can barely keep my eyes open as it is, so I'll just cut to the chase and say yes, the breasts, they are indeed huge, and hand-drawn huge breasts are funny!, so ha, ha, ha.)
Now that we're all able to finally move on from this stage of the game, there are still a number of decisions to make that are much less fun and much more time-consuming: for starters, we still haven't booked a DJ. Luke had an appointment with one this Saturday while I was off swishing around in fat dresses with heavy embroidery, but he wasn't charmed enough to part with a deposit. I don't blame him; word is that Pamela owned the company with her husband until he passed away last year. However, she has no problems continuing to pass out materials featuring their last Glamour Shots photo and perky language that states she and Lonnie do solumnly pledge to offer the best music service around. It's kinda like in the second season of Roseanne when Rosie was a shampoo girl for Crystal's beauty salon in Lanford where the boss always talked about her late husband Arthur, even though Arthur died more than thirty years ago and they were married a whopping eleven months. Suffice it to say that any references to deceased spouses that wrongly imply they are not deceased will not encourage future business.
But that's not all! In case we anticipate lulls or snags in the reception's schedule, Pamela is willing to treat us to a Polynesian belly dance. Interesting how Lonnie isn't mentioned at all in that service.
Other tasks we have excelled at avoiding:
- Nailing the wedding invitation list (which, due to a number of out-of-towners, is totally different from the wedding shower list, which is totally different from the head count for the meal, which is still totally "in progress")
- Blocking off rooms at a snazzy yet inexpensive hotel for the wedding night
- Selecting a snazzy yet inexpensive hotel for the wedding night
- Finding music for the ceremony, which has the potential to be a major pain in my @$$, as the deed is taking place outdoors and last I checked, the gazebo doesn't house an organ
- Selecting a hotel for our honeymoon. Destination: Niagara Falls, baby!
- Choosing a napkin color
But we did manage to witness the mediocre talents of Deborah "Don't Call Me Debbie Because Now I'm An Adult" Gibson and Todd "How I Survived into the New Millenium Without Additional Jail Time Is Beyond Me" Bridges on Skating with Celebrities. If that's not good time management, I don't know what is.
WAHOO! You got a dress! How exciting! Expect a phone call this evening, missy - I can't wait to hear details!
Annnnnnd...I'm the first to comment? What a turn around I've made, eh? :0)
Posted by: molly ray | January 24, 2006 at 02:52 PM
For some reason I am compelled to know what music you are planning on having. Why? I don't know...
But I need to know about the music.
Posted by: Isabel | January 24, 2006 at 04:01 PM
Oooh, I thought that those were your arms holding the Hawaiian flowers.
Posted by: Other Molly | January 24, 2006 at 08:18 PM
May I offer a suggestion on Niagra Falls?
The Canadian side is fifty times cooler than the American side in almost every aspect. When you think of "Niagra Falls," you are most likely thinking of Canada. Or the old Three Stooges bit, either one.
Glad to hear that the planning is going well.
Posted by: Will Shannon | January 24, 2006 at 08:52 PM
Glad to hear you got your dress!
Posted by: butterflygirl | January 24, 2006 at 11:50 PM
Fun times! ;)
Posted by: Sambo V. | January 25, 2006 at 01:30 AM
I love love love the mama said dress drawing. So excited for you and Luke.
Posted by: Number Twelve | January 25, 2006 at 03:02 AM
Maybe we should just get live musicians to play the whole freakin' day, ceremony and reception, and forget about the DJ, who also does hula dancing.
Posted by: Luke | January 25, 2006 at 12:52 PM
Other molly: holy crap, I think you're right. Whoops!
Isabel: choosing music for the reception will likely involve a heated argument between Luke and me, as I want disco and eighties and rap, you know, stuff people can dance to, and he wants the White Stripes. It will be a battle of wills, for sure.
Posted by: Frema | January 26, 2006 at 03:33 PM
I do NOT want the White Stripes. That's really not good reception music, so I don't know where you got that, Frema. You're just being testy because I don't want disco.
Posted by: Luke | January 28, 2006 at 09:24 PM