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January 24, 2006


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WAHOO! You got a dress! How exciting! Expect a phone call this evening, missy - I can't wait to hear details!

Annnnnnd...I'm the first to comment? What a turn around I've made, eh? :0)

For some reason I am compelled to know what music you are planning on having. Why? I don't know...

But I need to know about the music.

Oooh, I thought that those were your arms holding the Hawaiian flowers.

May I offer a suggestion on Niagra Falls?

The Canadian side is fifty times cooler than the American side in almost every aspect. When you think of "Niagra Falls," you are most likely thinking of Canada. Or the old Three Stooges bit, either one.

Glad to hear that the planning is going well.

Glad to hear you got your dress!

Fun times! ;)

I love love love the mama said dress drawing. So excited for you and Luke.

Maybe we should just get live musicians to play the whole freakin' day, ceremony and reception, and forget about the DJ, who also does hula dancing.

Other molly: holy crap, I think you're right. Whoops!

Isabel: choosing music for the reception will likely involve a heated argument between Luke and me, as I want disco and eighties and rap, you know, stuff people can dance to, and he wants the White Stripes. It will be a battle of wills, for sure.

I do NOT want the White Stripes. That's really not good reception music, so I don't know where you got that, Frema. You're just being testy because I don't want disco.

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