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January 10, 2006


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**Waving my arms frantically** I'm over here, Frema! :)
I've been reading for about six months and discovered your blog through a friend of mine, who will hopefully de-lurk herself as well.
Love the blog!

Hola, I'm Isabel. Nice to meet you.

Happy de-lurking week.

Hi Frema!

My favorite post was the story of how you met Luke. That and announcing your engagement.

I don't need to be delurked... I'm here ALL THE TIME. But two of my favorite posts (I even hunted through your archives) Priceless (AKA “Auction Story”) because you are hopelessly in love and Blogger’s First Prada because you're friggin' hysterical.

I'm trying to delurk, but your Captcha is smarter than I am it seems!

I agree with Lisa!!!

Hi! My favorite was the omelette entry.

Hmmm...so now there's a whole week dedicated to delurking, is there?

Anyway, I've been following your blogging adventures since they were a student project back at DePaul. A few favorites I've had are your 100 Things, the one where you thought I had been killed or abducted from the apartment, teenage diary entries, and any entry that talks about how great I am.

Well, as Luke's Mom, my favorite entry has to be "How Useless Clutter Changed my Life" or any entry with pictures of Anna. What the heck, they are all good.

I'm a fan of all, but I love "Memories of Sissy" and the Luke abduction entry. Those are just off the top of my head...Happy De-Lurking! ;)

Thanks for getting Number Twelve blogging because now I do it and I read your blog all the time. I've only been reading since Christmas 2005. I can relate to your 100 tidbits.

Daddy D told me about both your and Luke's blogs quite some time ago.
I think the onessssss I like best are about you purchasing Luke and your growning love....your personal happenings and of course baby Anna.....all of them really.
Soon to be aunt Ruthie

found your blog today, pretty funny.

Well, happy de-lurking week! Great blog, what I've read so far - I have to take the time to read old posts before I can say what my favorite is, but I love your stories with Luke!

I came upon this site, oh, about a year ago when I was a mere pup in the blogging world.

It is nice to keep up with fellow Pumas as we venture out beyond Rensselaer.

My favorite posts relate to the lunacy that is life in corporate America. Your musings on such things as enforced corporate breakfast and the business lunch really took me back. It is great commentary on the Corporate Era in this great land of ours.

I also appreciate being on your "recommended" list as I reflect on one year of doing this. I will keep on because, frankly, complaining is like eating or breathing to me. I need it daily.

Happy de-lurking week to all from the home of the 13-2 (3-0 in the Big Ten) Wisconsin Badger "Grateful Red" Basketball Men!

hello hello!

Sheesh! You put big demands on lurkers-- don't you know we are already LAZ_EEEEE, hence the lurking?

Your site is great.


I check in regularly. Also, I think you meant to type "sometimes" I still feel...

Do you think I'll proof-read everything for the rest of my life?


So, is it technically lurking if you know I read your blog? Then again, I never comment, so I guess it probably is. Either way... Hello! De-lurking! I've been reading since sometime last summer, I think. My favorite entry is probably the one about how you bought Luke. But I also have a soft spot for the one about the peking ducks because: (1) it's funny; and (2)it introduced me to Amalah....and I heart me some Amalah! But really, all your entries are great, so it's hard to choose.

Thanks, Kendra! The error has been corrected.

Boo! Did I scare you?

DE-LURKING to say I hang on to your every word...just never comment. I'll work on that! :0)

Love ya!!


happy de-lurking week.
I like the story about the auction and how you bounced a check for Luke.

I'm a late de-lurker because my computer was a bit wonky last week, and I'm only a pseudo de-lurker because I haven't been reading for long. I kept seeing your name in Amalah's comments and I always agree with you, so I checked out your blog, and my, my, you rock. Nice to meet you, Frema.

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    I will not be afraid.
    What can anyone do to me?"
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