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February 10, 2006


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Remember no matter the total of the cholesterol, it is the HDL and LDL individual numbers that count. H should be high and L should be low. Also, do not take one doctor's opinion. Some doctor's believe it or not, do not always have your best interest at heart. Many are knowingly or unwittingly dishing out Rx's due to some pharmaceutical rep and study that they want to have more participants for. I know a number of people in both sides of these professions. If he even considers after just a few months of dishing out some drugs, head for the nearest exit and just say no! There is a need for some to have Rx's, but you are not one of those yet. Sorry, I am handing out that ole' a** advice that I like to avoid, well at least on-line.

Sorry, more a** advice comments.

P.S. It takes more than a few months to see or at times achieve immediate results, so don't let the doc pressure other wise. Also your total isn't considered very high yet for medication according to http://www.americanheart.org/presenter.jhtml?identifier=3035374#Reducebloodcholesterol , http://nhlbisupport.com/chd1/other_rf.htm

Hot sausage and mustard.

Nice entry Frema, somehow you make even serious topics like cholesterol seem funny.

M and I usually have a pretty healthy diet (aside from the wine- heh), but you gotta splurge sometimes.

We splurged last night by sharing a bloomin' onion. And also a bottle of merlot. Oof. Not feelin' so good today. ;-)

We've talked about this before. I still have about six weeks before my check-up and there are just times when I have to indulge. If we ever get together I will make you some oatmeal.

Speaking as a gourmand and an epicurian (read: weighs 320 pounds), I feel that there is nothing wrong with a little indulgence.

Given the sorry state of the world, the wintry economic climate (even for the highly educated, the falling dollar and foreign outsourcing, what's the harm in a bit of a slap-up binge?

Having said that, I am off the the all you can eat for $5 Chinese buffet. They depend on me to help pay their gas bill.

I'm afraid to even HAVE my cholesterol checked in the first place, I think!
FYI - my uncle eats red meat, pizza, italian sausage, chocolate like CRAZY, but eats a bowl of oatmeal everyday for breakfast and his is normal. But I'm with you - I hate the lumpy stuff!

If the meal was free at work, I would make that my cheat day. Just don't over eat.

All right I won't try to persuade you on the oatmeal, though the maple and brown sugar is de-licious, but mad props to you for your discipline on take out day. I could never... ;0)

Just thought of something. Do oatmeal raisin cookies count? How 'bout Young's Oatmeal Stout?

God, I hope so.

I should not talk, but..... I do know from personal experiences that if you are wanting to have a baby sometime in the near future, your pregnancy will go much smoother if you are health. Just a little FYI. Good luck with the oatmeal!

Your wanting a baby will give you the will power to make healthy choices. Just remember why your doing it and that healthy eating is a lifestyle and should NOT be taken with a diet attitude. ;)

Good for you for trying to eat better.

Personally...I can't stop eating Hostess Lemon Pies...because they are yummy!

It's that old hoary chestnut...the more you tell yourself you can't have something - the more you go crazy thinking about it and craving it. Everything in moderation - even oatmeal - is the key :)
Good luck with the test!

I agree that trying to "healthy up" indulgences like bacon sandwiches, or (especially) pizza by adding vegetables is the worst. They totally ruin the enjoyment and don't add that much nutrition.

My system is, if I know I'm going to want pizza (or similar) later in the day, I'll have a head of broccoli for breakfast. I figure it all averages out. And then I remind myself that pizza is full of calcium and lycopene.

Oatmeal is much better if you add salt as well as brown sugar. And less leaden if you dice up an apple in there, too. It's also easier to avoid the munchies if you're getting enough protein.

Somebody told me once that one of the healthier things you can get at a fast food place is Wendy's chili. Because they make it by crumbling up each day's leftover burgers and HOSING THEM DOWN before mixing them into the sauce.

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