I once broke up with someone the day after Valentine's Day. As a sophomore in high school, I dated Jon for one month and sixteen days, our courtship initiated on New Year's Eve while sitting on the stoop of my front porch. On February 15, we were hanging out in my room, and miracle of miracles, I was even allowed to shut the door. This was huge, as my parents preferred my dates to consist of me and my suitor playing Mortal Kombat on the Sega in the living room with my seven-year-old brother. I think they were just so happy I had attracted a boy who not only had a GPA higher than 1.7 but also intended to pursue medical school that the possibility of grandchildren conceived out of wedlock wasn't such a bad idea. With my track record, it wouldn't have been unreasonable to assume he was my last chance to cinch a connection to any man who dared to finish high school.
When it came to boyfriends, I had a few strengths. I knew how to make out, maintain awkward silences for as long as thirty minutes in order to avoid conflict (both on the phone and in person, how talented was I?), and pretend not to notice that joint sticking out the pocket of your flannel hoodie. Hell, I did it for five years. However, these strengths did not apply to transitional men, because life was too short, I wasn't that good an actress, and besides, Nick, The Boyfriend Who Went For Three Weeks Without Calling, was totally going to come crawling back to me sans hoodie and drug-free.
Anyway, we're in my room, me making small talk, him making a pencil sketch of fall trees in bloom as he was both a doctor-in-training and aspiring artist, and we fall into the topic of some bet we' recently settled. What the bet was about, I have not a clue; maybe we were gambling on whether or not Mel Gibson's scraggly mane in Braveheart was real or if Ross and Rachel were in fact each other's lobster. I only remember that the winner had the power make the loser do whatever he/she wanted, and I was the loser. Jon decides that he wants me to kiss the person of my choice. I decide that Jon has devised a clever way to propose our first kiss; also, that I have no interest in exploring a first of any kind with him.
"Can I pick the dog?" I ask.
Of course, this leads to The Talk, how it's not him, it's me, I'm in a Bad Place, blah blah blah. The poor guy was on the verge of tears, which back then I thought, "Soooo lame." If only he'd been a pot-smoking, comic-book reading, high-school dropout. Then I would've put him on a pedestal.
Stupid girl. Also, bitch.
Ten years later, my actions are much more appropriate for the occasion, only now it's less about Valentine's Day and more about it being Luke's birthday. Not only did I surprise him with some kick-@$$ presents, I also cooked a chicken fajita dinner ALL BY MYSELF, because I'm domestic like that, and bought a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup ice cream cake from Dairy Queen. Note to self: buying food is much, much easier. It's also less likely to smudge your mascara.
However, Luke had a kick-@$$ surprise of his own, which I discovered at work when pulling out the Care Bears fruit snacks from my lunch bag. It was a Charlie Brown Valentine's Day card with an inscription that read, "I love you so much, Frema, and I can't wait until the next Valentine's Day because we'll be married for that one."
I almost cried, which is really saying something, because you know me. I never cry.
Frema you just are too friggin' funny... and Luke? Too friggin' cute for words. Happy Day to you both!!!!
Posted by: Number Twelve | February 15, 2006 at 02:55 AM
I love the fact that you eat Care Bears fruit snacks....
Posted by: bdogg_mcgee | February 15, 2006 at 01:05 PM
Care Bears fruit snacks are the BEST!
Isn't it funny to look back at high school relationships and see how "deep and mature" we thought we were...teehee...never fails to give me a giggle or two.
Posted by: PaintingChef | February 15, 2006 at 02:14 PM
Very cute. :-)
Posted by: Liz | February 15, 2006 at 07:21 PM
Oh what a woven web we weave...didn't Jon share that deep thought with us?? ;)
Posted by: Sambo V. | February 15, 2006 at 07:49 PM
That brings tears to my eyes.
Posted by: mjd | February 15, 2006 at 10:03 PM
I am so glad the boy friend thing worked out as it has. You are a joy. With that load of gifts, I think he has enough stuff for now.
Posted by: Anonymous | February 16, 2006 at 12:49 AM
Glad to hear you had a happy day!
Posted by: butterflygirl | February 16, 2006 at 01:43 AM
I bet Guyver would have loved that kiss.
Posted by: Anonymous | February 16, 2006 at 11:33 AM
So posting as myself this time, Luke, I love you also, and you're wonderful. And Frema, you crack my shit UP!
Posted by: Lost a Sock | February 16, 2006 at 07:36 PM
How funny are you! That story sounds waaaaaay too familiar to me! Wow, totally reliving my love of bad boys back in the 80's.
Posted by: LotionBarBunny | February 23, 2006 at 10:04 PM