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February 06, 2006


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Smooch and I have worked out so much in car ride conversations. Glad you get to enjoy your "you" time with your honey and not focus on the hassle of travelling. Lovely, entry... love-ly. *sigh*

Your entry touched me deeply.I am so happy for you that you have found "Mr. Right". You two sound like such a great couple and even better, you sound like you will be great parents one day. Can I just say, I met my husband on the internet in a chat room. He is from Ft. Wayne. We met secretly in Merrillville.....it was "love at first sight". When you find the right one....you just know. Congrats!

Great entry Frema! Reflection is so important.

You know, I see you drink milk all the time, and I can't remember it ever being chocolate.

You're gonna love being married.

I'm one of the girlfriends that knows you're crazy, but not for marrying Luke, just in general. :0) I'm so truly happy for you, especially knowing some of the guys you've dated. This one is the best.

I'm very happy for you and Luke. I know you guys are happy - and I can't wait for you to be parents. I saw you holding Jack the other day and it looked so good!

I love Luke! You two are so happy already and you will only continue to love eachother more and more.

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  • "The Lord is my helper,
    I will not be afraid.
    What can anyone do to me?"
    - Hebrews 13:6

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    - Robert Frost

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    - Anne Lamott

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    - Liz Gilbert

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    we change the world."
    - Brené Brown