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April 17, 2006


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Very nice entry, it game me tears too. Love you

I mean gave instead of games

And even though we didn't have colored eggs or candy (other than Peeps), you could still say the Easter Bunny came to visit our apartment.

I swear, I had to look at the picture of Spade about three times - it looked like he has two heads!

I didn't know you have to be Catholic to receive communion at a Catholic church? I've been taking it there since the kids were born, the church police haven't busted me yet. I figure we give them money, they get a new Church and we get goods and services (communion).
Love, Auntie Di

This is a very touching entry; tears came to my eyes too. Luke is a very lucky man, and we are a very fortunate family to have someone who is so honest with herself and the rest of the world join our clan. On top of that, you have such a beautiful way of expressing that honesty.

I'm glad you and Luke had a nice Easter together sister. It's important to feel good about the choices you make. We definitely missed you both!

I'm glad you took your "leap of faith" and felt good about it afterward. I give you a lot of credit for taking such a strong and genuine interest in the exploration of your religion. Makes me wanna do some of my own searching...

Great entry. Why does religion have to involve rules?

I know this is STUPID, but I need to know what kind of dog Spade is? We have it's TWIN that we got from the pound. They told us he was Lab, but he needs a lab(so they can examine his head cuz he is one CRAZY dog!!!!) He likes human flesh also!!!

That rabbit is adorable and tiny...I'm glad he wasn't eaten!

Sounds like a wonderful Easter for you guys. The church stuff, staying home - a nice change of pace, no? Can't wait to talk soon!

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