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April 23, 2006


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Sorry I missed it!

You were the cutiest bachlorette! I'm so proud that you stayed standing all night even while being on the bar! I had a GREAT time and so did Amber. I love you!!!

You ARE a rockstar! I'm so glad you had fun sister. Nobody can perculate like you. ;)

I'm glad you enjoyed your night.

Drunk and still able to blog, even with pictures. Something to always be proud of. Congrats! Can't wait to read the blogs of the coming weeks!

I must say, you look great! The hair appointment went well I see.

And I'm highly impressed that you spelled so well, being drunk! Good job. You guys looked like you had a smashing good time. I REALLY wish I could have been there.

The last picture: PRICELESS. :0)

Just don't you be coming at me with that there "bun pincher."

I'm glad you had such a great time! And thanks for keeping your drunk-blogging promise....really it was well worth it, don't ya think? HAHA This entry is too priceless!

Way to to girl! I can see you had a fantablous time! I must say I have never seen you drunk, it suits you. Glad you had fun! see you at the wedding!
Love, Auntie Di

When The girls got home, they said you were so cute. I hope you did not get too sick.Thanks, Amber had a great time. She was due for a night out. Love Auntie Betty xox

You clearly are a fantabulous bachelorette. Awesome post.

You are the cutest EVER! And I'm so glad that you are so happy.

Now go take some Advil. And drink some water. And know that you aren't going to be able to party like that for too much longer. Because damn. I got all old and married and suddenly I couldn't do that shit anymore. Now? A good drunkfest like that? Takes me like 4 days to recover from. Its oh so sad.


(that's me being vicariously drunk)

The last picture is good, but I almost spit out my soda when you said you danced to "The Percolater."


Congrats on the impending nuptials. And it sure does look like you had fun!

I counted 3 tangents
and 1 tangent within a tangent.


See you a few weeks.

ps. I'll make sure that the guys slap Luke's butt in kind.

Glow stick bracelets?! How 1984 :D

Hey, I found your blog through Isabels. Congrats on getting married so soon! And the drunken entry was hilarious! I love it. (haven't been drunk in 10 months)

Oh my goodness...you look so cute!
Sounds like you had a great time!
Can't wait to read more!

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