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April 12, 2006


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How very exciting for you guys. I love reading entries like this. You guys deserve all the best. We can't wait to watch you walk down the aisle. :0)

Also, I tried to comment last night about your dumpster fiasco, which had me laughing. my. ass. off. (with you, not at you, of course - HA!) but blogger had its panties in a bunch, so I couldn't. You are a stitch!

Thanks for the clarification of "scored".

Love the wedding local. LOVE it. I am super duper JEALOUS and so excited for you guys. I really am.

I know you didn't really want us to respond to your questions. But I WILL tell you what has worked for us:

We own one car. And only once since we got married and sold Ken's car. We are able to save so much money. It sucks having one car. But saving money is awesome.

We live in a one bedroom apartment (while we build our home) and will have a baby there also. I figure it's all temporary, so I can do it. For a little bit. (But I will bitch about it!)

My Mom always said that being a school teacher was the BEST job for a Mom. Because even if you to work outside the home, you have the exact same time off that your kids do. My Dad is a teacher and was always home with us. You know, after school, holidays, and summers. It was good!

I had a hard time taking The King's last name. But only 'cause I liked mine so much. But if you like the new better, than it's awesome.

And good luck to Luke and the job hunt. Fun stuff.

And good luck with the apartment hunt. Also fun!

You know, I used to hate my last name, but now I love it. I like the apostrophe and double As (although I could do without the Maytag stuff). I guess that didn't come across very well. I'll be really sad to lose it, but I don't think I'm "feminist" enough to keep it, as I like the idea of our family members all having the same last name, and it would totally suck to write out Ma'Ayteh-Dunscombe on credit-card slips, so there you go.

Fantastic you and Luke are getting married one month from today.

There are various ways that Dunscombe can be mispronounced. The most common seems to be Dunscum, which is better than Dumbscum. Telemarketers seem to have their version that is usually something like Duns calm bee sometimes with a short u and others use the long version of u.

Yay! I love that you're having an outdoor wedding. Will hope for lots of beautiful sun that day.

And may you never be called Ms. Dumbscum.

Frema! Read Amalah's blog! She tagged you!

Technical Maven: OH MY GOD I KNOW! It's like I was selected for the Internet cheerleading squad!

In the comments section of that entry, I said, "I think I just wet myself." Probably not the best way to secure an online friendship.

the former Miss Dunscombe says......I remember being called Dunstone....Dumstum and even an occasional Dumbutt.........ahhhhhhh those were the days......

Aunt Ruthie

How exciting! I know the feeling of anticipating the big day and the many decisions that will effect you afterward. I'm so happy for you both and I know that everything will be fabulous. ;)

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