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April 05, 2006


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Ha! I'm first! What touching words you wrote about Luke. You guys deserve all the happiness in the world.

As well as an n in your anchor.


I thought that your shower was very beautiful. I think that you and Luke will make a cute old couple in your 70's!
I just would like to say that I am 30 weeks pregnant in that picture. It does NO justice for me. Thank God I'm married because that is a terrible picture of me. At your wedding I will have to take another picture. Even though that one might not be that much better because I will be around 36 weeks pregnant then!

There you go again setting the standard for the rest of us - what beautiful and touching thoughts.

Called OUT. Thanks, Lost A Sock!

I also found that I had originally used the wrong "peace" in the second paragraph. It's called proofreading, Frema!


Love the shirts. And check Number 12 rocking those highlights!

I have never seen such a thing as a towel cake. I'm HIGHLY impressed...

I do love me some Frema.

I heard all about the wonderful shower. I'm glad I finally get to see a picture of those shirts and stickers.

It makes me happy to know that Luke found someone who is worthy of him.

Although, Joe's crab shack? I mean, I know good advice can come from anywhere at any time...
but Joe's Crab Shack?????

You two are so adorable! Fabulous post! Enjoy this time in your life. It is very special.

Those shirts are so cute! Also, I won! I never heard of a towel cake but it looks beautiful. I can't believe your mother made that herself.

What a great and inspiring posting on the one you love. You two really do set a great example of how a foundation to any marriage should be. Also, your Mom's towel cake is awesome. Plus, being beautiful enough to eat, there are no calories. Love those ideas from number 12.

I can't get the smile off of my face... you've made my DAY!!!!! I'm scoring me some SVH books and look at that GREAT blog product. You two are toooooo flippin' cute. Had a blast at the shower. Happy gettin' married!!!

I am so glad I'm a winner. I always knew I was. I just needed you to validate me. I can't wait to get my book in the mail!

Love the pictures. And the towel cake is amazing (much like my diaper cake picture I posted a few days ago).

And the t-shirts are awesome.

And either Luke is super tall, or you're super short. Either way, you make the perfect couple!

Luke has the best smile!

I'm so happy for you guys! And I totally want a t-shirt like that!


FABULOUS...you two are FABULOUS together. ;)

I'm so sorry I missed the party, I heard and now read it was fabulous!
Your mother is soooo creative and talented the cake looks beautiful and I can't wait to eat the real thing!
Love ya, Auntie Di

Frema, Frema, Frema.....

I JUST got my fabulous package. And all I can say is that I am super duper in love with you RIGHT NOW! (Don't worry, pictures were taken and will be shared.) Preston (the cat) was really into the box. Oh there's a picture of that. Don't worry.

And guess what? I don't think I've read all of the books you sent. So as soon as I log off, I'm going to go and read "Slam Book Fever". Because? It sounds awesome....just like you!

Hooray for Frema. You rule.

(I hope all of my excitement puts me into labor.)

Forogt to give props to zazzle.com, that's where I uploaded my own JPEGs and ordered the T-shirts and stamps. Howabout the U.S. Postal Service gettin' a clue on personalized postage? Anyway, I'm thinking for their wedding gift a wall clock that says "time to blog" ... there's a TON of product there (cafe express has its possibilities as well)

enough free advertising... :)

Fantastic shirts and I loved the sage advice from your pastor...I'm off to share this with my other half now :D

Um and the towel cake - is the most incredible thing I've ever seen!

Love the shirts and the stamps!

Sounds like the shower was a blast. It is so refreshing to hear the love you two have for each other. I am so happy for you!!!

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