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May 08, 2006


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How very wonderful for the two of you. We (and I'm so bold as to speak for the entire internet, and, universe) are so very happy for you. Getting married is the cure for those nerves. You walk down that aisle a WIFE and then you'll be just fine. :0)

Did you get more nervous when I said WIFE, in caps? Cause I got nervous, and I've been a wife for quite some time. Kevin often calls me just "wif," which is much easier. You'll feel much calmer once you're a wif.

Oh how very exciting for you-- I can't wait for Friday either:) I will also second what my sister said above. In fact, Kevin calls me his seesta-in-law, because the word implies that he and my sister are married and that in turn gives her the "WIFE" nerves again, so over time, we've just all agreed to shorten it up for the best;)

I kid.... about everything but the name:)

Friday! That's like really soon, right? Seriously though, I'm so excited for you and I hope everything goes just the way you want.

Freak out TO the YMCA?

I think I once had a freak out AT a YMCA...

From someone who used to work in a country line-dancing bar and heard the song several times a night, the YMCA is not good for anyone, no matter what they think when they're drunk.

I love you sister! It's okay to be jittery.

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  • "The Lord is my helper,
    I will not be afraid.
    What can anyone do to me?"
    - Hebrews 13:6

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    - Anne Lamott

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    - Brené Brown