1:46 a.m. That's what time I went to bed last night. When my alarm went off at 6:45, I laughed and reset it for 7:15, like thirty minutes of sleep can magically make up for an extra four hours. I stumbled into work an hour later, sans shower, make-up, and any resemblance to a well-rested human being. By 10:00, I was devouring my turkey sandwich with the passion of Augustus in Willy Wonka's chocolate river and trying to tame wild hairs with my index fingers and the moisture of my own spit. By noon, I was bidding a heartfelt farewell to the two women who give two figs about my misadventures and headed home.
So. Am home now, where I plan on loading the dishwasher, finally unboxing our wedding shower gifts, and watching AMC live. Since I'll be out of Internet commission for several days after the wedding, I figure I better blog while I can; hence, you'll see a number of scatterbrained sentences and random photos disguised as entries before Friday, as well as a live update from Lost A Sock the day of, as she'll be dropping off her precious boys before hitting the reception and has promised to post an update on this little site, as I have Delusions of Grandeur and want to believe the twenty people who read this site who won't be attending Our Big Day will have their fingers poised to reload.
Also, because Number Twelve's husband is unable to get out of work in time, and because Luke and I are redefining "progressive," Butterflygirl will be joining in the festivities as well! We'll be so happy to meet you, Butterfly! (I wonder how many brides and grooms say that to their wedding guests?)
I am so looking forward to coming to your wedding reception!! Thanks for the invite.
Posted by: butterflygirl | May 09, 2006 at 04:01 PM
Congrats again to both of you and best of luck as the time of preparation draws to a close.
My congrats in more traditional form should reach you shortly.
Enjoy the day and remember that, at the end of the day, no matter what happens, you each end up with what you ultimately wanted at the outset...each other.
Posted by: Will Shannon | May 09, 2006 at 06:12 PM
I do hope that Lost a Sock is going to include pictures with this whole live updates program...
Posted by: PaintingChef | May 09, 2006 at 06:44 PM
You can take as much time off as you need, but we must have wedding pictures. PICTURES, I SAY!
Posted by: Liz | May 09, 2006 at 09:52 PM
I think you should know that was a chicken sandwich that I made for your lunch today.
Posted by: Luke | May 09, 2006 at 10:35 PM
Pictures! There will be pictures! I promise within an hour or two of the happy couple saying "I do" and skipping merrily down the aisle as husband and wif, there will be pictures. Even if it means downing my coctails in ten minutes time, rather than the alotted thirty, if I'm late. Pictures.
Posted by: Lost a Sock | May 10, 2006 at 12:05 AM
Oh you are such the blogger. I must tell you that I check your site several times a day when I am on the computer to see if you've updated! ;) I love you and your Willy Wonka comment. HYSTERICAL!!!
Posted by: Sambo V. | May 10, 2006 at 01:03 AM
I will be one of the 20 people ready to hit reload come Friday waiting for your "photographer/videographer" to post. I am so glad I have gotten to read your blog because I have gotten to know you so much more. Even though I always liked you!
Don't be nervous, Bree. Just pray for no rain!
Posted by: Jenabeeb | May 10, 2006 at 01:21 AM
Posted by: AUNTIE BETTY | May 10, 2006 at 03:13 AM
Man...I wishI was coming to your wedding reception.
And I promise, I can't stop thinking about your wedding. And will be "refreshing" ALL DAY.
Posted by: Isabel | May 10, 2006 at 09:47 PM