If you thought I wasn't stupid enough to stay awake past 1:00 tonight (yesterday?), you would be wrong, Internet friend, very wrong. It is 1:25. In my defense, I'm newly showered and lotioned up, and my kitchen floor was reintroduced to soap and water for the first time since Christmas, so progress, it has been made.
In addition to chatting with my bridesmaids and securing my Blogger videographer (bloggeragrapher?), I've spent a great deal of time opening up gifts from our wedding shower, washing glasses and plates and flatware, attempting to find storage space for all the new things Luke and I have acquired to jumpstart our new life together. Part of that has involved making decisions about our current individual possessions and which ones will be lucky enough to take the ride with us. During the three years I manned PR for Saint Joe, I became the lucky recipient of at least ten pint glasses featuring logos for Homecoming, the senior class dinner, and so on. In the spirit of compromise, I designated at least half of them to the Goodwill pile that has slowly overtaken the surface of our table. I said good-bye to cups and bowls I purchased at the dollar store my freshman year, and damn if those cheap little dishes haven't fared better than some of our best pieces, assuming you don't mind burn marks from heating up cans of Chef Boyardi. All the plates I inherited from my mother when I moved into my first non-dorm/non-parental living space, gone.
When Luke moved in last September we went through a similar process, and by "we" I mean "me," because even though I was lonely and heartsick and missing him more than my luggage (random quote alert! Did anyone get it?), I had become quite accustomed to having my way when it came to where I put those dollar-store finds, how many to hang on to, and which to throw in the trash. Now, though, as the two of us prepare to join more than our housewares, it's suddenly easier to let the old things go, because I don't have to worry about filling the voids I create. Life will do it for me.
Bre , get to bed...lol all this energy. Love you
Posted by: auntie Betty | May 10, 2006 at 01:10 PM
Oh goodness. And I thought about giving you a quick call around 11 last night, but thought, surely the girl is in BED by now!
Oddly enough, as I couldn't fall back to sleep after the 5:30 feeding, I found myself thinking about what to call myself in regards to taking pictures and a video clip for your blog. Not the photographer (or you owe me big money, now biotch.) (Oh, sorry.) (Haha.)
I'm liking bloggeragrapher.
Posted by: Lost a Sock | May 10, 2006 at 01:54 PM
You NEED sleep woman! I hope you're having a fabulous day dear. I like your me turned into we...big step.
Posted by: Sambo V. | May 10, 2006 at 07:16 PM
You're doing the "nesting" a woman usually does before she gives birth.
Posted by: butterflygirl | May 10, 2006 at 11:25 PM