Well, maybe not a river. But definitely a respectable puddle.
So, I'm back. And married! It only took twenty-six years.
As you can tell from the blogs of my nearest and dearest, the wedding day, it saw rain. Luke and I knew it was coming; at the rehearsal we were huddled together under the shelter of the gazebo, shivering, attempting to stay dry, giving up all hope that the sun would deem our firstborn child a worthy sacrifice for twelve minutes of cooperation. However, our wedding party was fantastic and agreed to proceed through the park as planned, so everyone could ooh and aah over their spiffy tuxes and dresses and I could savor the moment of walking down the aisle with my father. Equally fantastic was our paparazzi, who came armed with color-coordinated umbrellas for the ladies and a white sleeveless parka vest for me, the latter probably unintentional but they deserve the credit nonetheless. Mandy Meyers, if you haven't booked a photographer for your gig yet, call the Bellas. Really. Do it now. Just don't tell them Frema sent you, because they don't know who she is.
Seconds before this shot was taken, I was hissing in my father's ear, "They forgot to set up the chairs!" I'm currently torn over whether or not to call the park and complain. On one hand, since it was wet outside, I doubt our guests were expecting chairs, and even if they were set out, who would've wanted to sit in them? On the other hand, we paid two hundred and fifty-six dollars to rent the space, so dammit, gimme my effen chairs.
Despite all that, though, the ceremony was perfect; I felt it would be the minute my dad pulled into the parking lot. When I took my place on the bricks and spotted Luke for the first time, I knew with every fiber of my being that saying "yes" to this man was the best thing I'd ever done. And when I looked into his eyes as we exchanged our vows, I saw five years' worth of love fill his pupils and spill down his cheeks. He never looked more handsome.
Praying to God we make it past the first year.
There's nothing really poetic to say about the picture we took with our pastor; its primary purpose is to serve as a public service announcement to future brides who might assume stashing lip treatments in your dainty little bridal purse and leaving said purse in the back seat of your father's truck is sufficient, because when you're ushered from the ceremony straight into pictures with no lag time in between, you will think about your lipstick but ultimately be too chicken to put a halt to the festivities for five minutes to ask your dad to fetch it for you, as you can't stop imagining your guests tapping their feet and drumming their fingers in anticipation of your arrival with only a coffee bar to keep them company. Thus, you'll resort to coating your lips with the natural moisture of your tongue and hoping the photographer can Photoshop lip gloss. My recommendation? Chapstick in your bra, if not fastened to your wrist like a sassy charm bracelet. I guarantee you'll thank me.
Anyway.... The reception went just as well, even though the cake had pistachio icing instead of buttercream and people were too interested in the open bar to notice the pretty champagne fountain set up next to the entrance. Luke and I danced our first dance to "Someone Like You" by Van Morrisson, which I first fell in love with when I heard it in Prelude to a Kiss in the scene where Alec Baldwin is lamenting the sudden drastic change in his new wife and befriends a strange old man who strangely enough made a brief appearance at their wedding and also strangely enough knows the color of the undies Meg Ryan was wearing the night she left for a summerlong trip to Europe, or something, and Alec realizes that Meg is trapped in the decrepit body of one Archie Bunker. Those less cultured in Meg Ryan cinema may recognize it from the better-known Bridget Jones's Diary, when Mark Darcy tells Bridget he likes her just the way she is.
My father and I danced to "What a Wonderful World," during which he told me how beautiful I looked and what a great family I married into. Then he said it really was a wonderful world, held me tight, and started to cry. At the end he held up my hands and shouted, tears still streaming down his face, "This is my daughter!" It was the most magical moment I've ever had with my dad.
And now I'm verklempt. More to come later.
P.S. Thanks so much for all the lovely comments and e-mails this last week. If it weren't illegal, I'd marry each and every one of you.
Bree, I am so glad you had a wonderful day!!!! Molly did a great job keeping us all up to speed with the "first to be seen photos" of your wedding!!!
I hope you guys had a wonderful time on your honeymoon. Can't wait to hear all about it! (I assumed you were going to tell us about it...sorry)
Congrats again!!!
Posted by: Twins x two | May 20, 2006 at 11:44 AM
The reception was stunning. I cried along with Number Twelve when your father announced to everyone, "This is my daughter!". BTW-I did notice the fountain!!!
Posted by: butterflygirl | May 20, 2006 at 11:51 AM
Hell, you're making *me* cry. I'm glad it went well. Also, I've heard that rain on your wedding day is good luck.
Lastly, I *love* your short dress!
Posted by: Dawnie | May 20, 2006 at 01:24 PM
The wedding day was a joy as was each and everyday before May 12, 2006. Everyday, hence forth will also be a joy. One week plus a day seems like it is in the past, but that day will live in our hearts forever.
Posted by: daddy d | May 20, 2006 at 03:17 PM
i loooooove you breain and im super excited for u N lukes future together! lots of love
~your little sister, donna~
Posted by: Anonymous | May 20, 2006 at 08:42 PM
What a wonderful day for you guys, rain and all. And your dad, yes, not a dry eye in the house.
Also you should re-mention the cds that you made for your guests, because I kid you not, this house has it memorized. Then you should market and sell them to people. See? Stay-at-home-mom work. :0)
Posted by: Lost a Sock | May 21, 2006 at 03:27 AM
Bree, sounds like your day was perfect - despite the rain and having no gloss for the photos (I will definately keep a stash somewhere). We actually booked our photographers (twin sisters who are from the region). Can't wait to here more about your day!! :)
Posted by: Mandy Meyers | May 21, 2006 at 05:44 AM
I hope you had a wonderful Honeymoon. It was a perfect day.I heard the guest loved the icing. they were bragging that it was different. The day after your wedding ,John and I took Amber to the site to show her how nice it was and a wedding was going on in the rain. They had chairs but no one was sitting in them. They would of just took up space. I say leave it alone.The chairs looked stupid not being used.
Posted by: auntie Betty | May 21, 2006 at 01:07 PM
I love your dress!! I don't know you, but I am so happy for you! You make me want to get married right now!!
Posted by: Lindsey aka Randy | May 21, 2006 at 04:31 PM
I was so excited to read about the wedding. I can just tell how happy you are. I can also totally feel the love you have for Luke and your precious Dad.
Glad to hear that things went well...even if there was rain the the chairs weren't set up (I would totally ask for some money back...but I'm cheap that way!)
Congrats a million times over.
Posted by: Isabel | May 21, 2006 at 05:33 PM
I love you sister!
P.S. I noticed the fountain and have raved to everyone how beautiful it was! I would also ask for some kind of refund for the space because your chairs weren't set up and that's probably a big reason you had to rent the space in the first place.
Posted by: Sambo V. | May 22, 2006 at 02:25 AM
Sounds like it was a lovely day, despite the rain.
Posted by: Fraulein N | May 22, 2006 at 11:09 AM
What lovely photos you've posted and thank you for sharing all the details :D
I really love your dress!
Posted by: verniciousknids | May 22, 2006 at 11:13 AM
Yes, thanks for sharing some of the behind the scenes details, it was a fantastic day! And me and Molly and Kevin all noticed the fountain:)
And about the chairs, I honestly thought it was more charming to stand as close as we were to you guys during the ceremony. Very sweet and intimate for your guests... Though that fact does not have to be mentioned to your rental people if you do call to get some kind of refund;)
Congrats again!
Posted by: A Light in the Attic | May 22, 2006 at 11:47 AM
Congratulations! You and your husband looked gorgeous and so happy. And the story about your dad totally choked me up. So sweet. Yay marriage!
Posted by: HollowSquirrel | May 22, 2006 at 08:58 PM
No more talk about marrying anyone else or I'll have to kick some arses.
Posted by: Luke | May 23, 2006 at 12:20 AM
Congrats! I love all your pictures! Your wedding looked like it was a beautiful one! :)
I love weddings!
Posted by: Christar | May 23, 2006 at 04:23 PM
hey we're waiting for more info about the wedding and honeymoon, update
Posted by: Anonymous | May 23, 2006 at 06:36 PM
You two look BEAUTIMOUS! And, I've heard that rain on your wedding day is good luck.
Also, thank you for the heads up over at We3. I can't believe all three of us totally glazed over that little factoid of, "I am, too."
Good lookin' out. :-)
Posted by: Zube Girl | May 23, 2006 at 09:15 PM
It's been a week already.
Posted by: Anonymous | May 27, 2006 at 01:22 AM
Come back to us, wonderful Frema. We miss you.
Posted by: Lost a Sock | May 27, 2006 at 02:19 AM
Helllllooooooooo?! Mrs. Useless Clutter? Are you there? Are we redesigning our blog to accomodate our new marital status? Are we making babies? What exactly is going on with your new married self?
Give us somethin', puh-weeeeez?
Posted by: Number Twelve | May 29, 2006 at 02:10 AM