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May 12, 2006


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I'm so sorry about the rain. And the cold. I saw the weather this evening and sighed a loud "dammmmmit" for you.

Can't wait to share your big day with you tomorrow.

Love you.

When I first read this I was like "Oh, rain...no big deal! Then I remembered that not everyone lives in Seattle and maybe rain IS A BIG DEAL to some people.

Especially on their wedding day.

Here's to a dry May 12th.

(and I am SO FOR the red toe nail polish.)

Can't wait for the pictures tomorrow!

Ohmygosh its the big day!!! I just got into work and the FIRST thing I did was check in here. I'm sorry about the rain and I have all faith that the skies will spare you the downpours today. (I also immediately went to weather.com to check your weather out there because 1) I really do care and 2) gosh I'm a dork!) ANYWAY...yay yay yay yippee yippee hooray hooray its your wedding day!! All the best for you, Bree, and Luke, too (duh)!!!

Today is the day! All your planning and dreaming will come to fruition! The rain means good luck for the Irish, that's one nationality I think your not, but maybe Luke is! I think it's good luck and prosperity for all!
See you at the wedding!
Love Auntie Di

Thanks for shairng the pictures!

You'll probably get this too late, but . . . rain on your wedding day is a sign of a long, prosperous marriage (and the only thing truly ironic in that song).

My prayers and thoughts are with you!

Bree, if you read my blog, you will know where I'm coming from when I say, "Damn you Jerry Taft!"

Best wishes, stay dry and CONGRATULATIONS!

The rain did not ruin a thing. ;) Everything was PERFECT!! ;)

Don't you love how Geo fell asleep using my foot as a head rest? ;)

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  • "The Lord is my helper,
    I will not be afraid.
    What can anyone do to me?"
    - Hebrews 13:6

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    - Robert Frost

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    - Anne Lamott

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    we change the world."
    - Brené Brown