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May 10, 2006


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Lovely pics...you must be getting incredibly excited :D

babies having babies, but we did it. Have no regrets.

I'll guess by the look on your dad in the third picture, that you weren't sleeping well yet? That, or your dad was big on staying up way too late (which would explain a lot about you.)

And, is that Auntie Betty in the first one??

I recognize these lovely photos. Look that lovely little Frema face ready to greet the world and to accomplish great things.

Lost A Sock--it IS Auntie Betty! :) She and my mom are BFFs.

Mom and Dad are so sweet, aren't they? You were such a cute little toddler. ;)

Only a day and a half left! ;) Call me if you need anything...besides taping your soaps because I will be with you. I wish I could tape them for you.

Thanks for sharing the pictures!

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