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May 11, 2006


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I say red polish is classic, not wrong. Go for it.

Also, EEEEK. Congratulations, and have a wonderful weekend!

One of the most demeaning moments of my life (at least as far as my appearance goes) was during a fitting for a tux for my cousin's wedding.

Upon measuring me, the lady responded with considerable exaspiration "Well, I KNOW that this will all have to be a special order. I hope they even have this size."

Wonderful. Customer service at its finest.

There shall be no justice until fat man discrimination ends.

Oh please. Red polish is practically a necessity. You could be as evil as I was and have you future mother-in-law convinced, up until the day of the wedding when she actually SEES you in your gown, that you are planning on wearing a red wedding dress...

Remember, enjoy EVERY SECOND! Congratulations sweetie! I can't believe its already here!!!

I wore red polish on my toes on my wedding day, so I say go for it!

The immortal Jackie O was big on red toenails. I say, if she did it, you can certainly do it too.

Have a fabulous time!!!!! I'll be thinking about you!

You ROCK that red polish, girl.

Gotta have the red toes! Can't wait to see them.

You both looked GORGEOUS! ;)

You know in China the bride actually wears red...as it's an auspicious colour :D

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