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June 12, 2006


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Aww...he's lovely!

(And I didn't try to smell his head)

How sweet.

And you are so strong for not crying!!

That is one sweet baby.

Who needs words of quality and substance when there is "new baby head" smell to discuss?
He's precious.
SillyHily is not genderly challenged. I have one boy and one girl.

Is smelling a baby's head like smelling a cantaloupe to judge the freshness?

They are roughly the same size, so I made the connection.

Awww...sweet baby! Does that make your ovaries start leaping or what?!

I think the new mommy's words are freaking priceless! Ha!

And you love spinach dip? It cannot rival my deep deep adoration. Not possible.

He's too cute. Thanks for letting us know Brooke had her baby!

I love babies!

Congratulations Brooke!!

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    I will not be afraid.
    What can anyone do to me?"
    - Hebrews 13:6

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