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June 02, 2006


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Actually, while I am more than glad to be back home in the States, I still miss a few things about Canada, like the abbreviation for the Ontario Provincial Police and having Queen Elizabeth on most of the money despite the fact she isn't their monarch.

O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.

With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!

From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

Thanks for sharing those pictures. You picked a great photographer.

LOL on the Customs... I totally pictured your face when asking about the 9MM. You're too friggin' funny!

And really... your wedding pix? I just keep looking and thinking the umbrellas have added to the photos. I'm not just tellin' you that to make you feel better.

You don't have any weird, harsh shadows that you normally get on sunny days.

The umbrellas have added a touch of romance and style. And having been there the day was really cold and wet but NONE of that chilly misery comes across in the photography.

Just so you know.

Promise me you'll hang #106 in your house somewhere. If not, maybe I will.

Aren't Honeymoons fun??

(Okay, I have days of stories about me being an idiot at customs. Good thing you and I won't be traveling to Canada together anytime soon. They would lock us both up!)

OH! Pictures! Am loving the pictures!

And also the customs stories. Patrick made the mistake once of letting me drive on an extended car trip. Its not really that I'm such a bad driver...he's just kind of a control freak. That's my story and I'm sticking to it...

But when we drive up to Martha's Vineyard over Labor Day, he's going to have to let me drive some. Its just too far to do it all yourself. Insert evil laugh here...

When I visited London in 1996, I had an interesting run-in with British Customs. Apparently, there was a member of the IRA by the name of William Shannon and that name was on a terrorist watch list. Freaky.

Anyway, I hate to whitter about the queen's role in Canada, but she is actually the monarch of Canada. She is the de jure Head of State as Canada is a member of the Commonwealth. The Governor General, appointed by H.M., is the de facto Head of State.

While their roles are mostly ceremonial (Prime Minister Stephen Harper is the Head of Government), they are still technically at the top.

Again, sorry to nitpick. Glad you enjoyed your trip.

Well done on pictures (photographers really come up with some crazy poses, don't they?)

I especially love #121 of the 2 of you and you look so pretty especially in #75.

Thanks for sharing!

I forgot about being able to see the pictures online! Thanks for the reminder-they all look fabulous!

You cracked me up with the customs thing. I also love the picture of you under the falls over on Luke's blog.

Putting pictures online is very cool. You guys have some really great ones!!

(Bout damn time I commented, eh? And hey, where ya been?)

Going through customs can be an intimidating moment. Besides if you were packing heat for reasons of violence and destruction, then are you going to fess up up to the customs guard, "yes, we have a case load of uzis and 5 AK-47s in a secret compartment in the back seat."

You are too funny! I totally understand the thrill of being in a casino when it's something other than Poker. I like roulette and it's hard to walk away from that table.

It was GREAT to see you two this weekend. ;) Dan and I love when you come to visit!! ;)

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