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July 08, 2006


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Hooray for you!!! I love our local Y-enjoy!

"Cal's lookin' to get a foot up his @$$ if he doesn't step out of my happy place!"
Baa-haa-haaaaa! How priceless would it have been if she really HAD said that?
YAY for the YMCA!!! Good luck and have fun with it!

Free is almost always good. We got free tickets to see "Pirates of the Caribbean" last night. One of Daddy D's ex-students is the manager. When we went to buy the tickets, the ex-student/manager came over and punched something in the cash register that resulted in 2 free passes to see the movie. Yea!!!

By the way , the movie was great fun, but it ended with a teaser for the third movie in the series.

The YMCA is a very good idea. I did that years ago and it was great.

Good plan.

Gotta love the free food! Even better when the waitress *herself* decides you deserve it. I'm so jealous! I must go wallow in self-pity now.

And amazingly there was a replacement pair of flip-flops in black, just waiting to replace their silvery twins.

How very fun to join the YMCA! Look how cool you guys are! That's awesome. I can't wait to do that when our kiddo's get a tad older. And the free meal? Very nice.

I owe you a phone call.


Personal fulfillment restored with free mexican food. LOVE IT! Thanks for the call last week, honey. I needed it!

WAIT! LOS, I owe YOU a phone call :-)

I am such a bad blogger and My Space friend because I am so far behind on reading, commenting and saying hello. But I did read your lastest entry today, when I finally decided to pay attention to the internet again.

It's great to hear that you are busy with friends and fun this weekend, and are joing the Y on Monday. GO GIRL! I love you and am happy for you and your free dinner! Ahywho, can't wait to see you next weekend-I love you. ;)

I recently broke a strap on my flip-flops as well...that's the last time I overpay for "quality" footwear.

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