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September 03, 2006


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Hi Frema, I bet lots of us are checking blogs.I read the story of you and Luke and I love it.The picture is so cute. Have a great time at the reunion.

I'm going to have to read that book...your description makes it sound very interesting!

Now get to the juicy, thought provoking questions! :)

It has been a long time since I read the Pigman, but wasn't there some significance about the zoo, gorilla, and old man's relationship. I think the main parts I remember is his death, their prank calls, and the gorilla. My memory is getting fuzzy or its this cold in my ears and nose that make my head mix past books I have read together.

It just so happens that the day I decide to check your blog is over Labor Day weekend when you are in town. I can't wait to see you! ;)

Anyway, your answers to your questions are so cute! ;) By the way, I just happen to LOVE Rachel McAdams and when I talk about her, Dan refers to her as "my girl". If you liked her in Wedding Crashers, also check out Red Eye, The Notebook, The Family Stone and Mean Girls! ;) Can you tell I'm a fan?

I loved Paul Zindel when I was in junior high! My favorite was "Pardon Me, You're Stepping on My Eyeball."

All I ever buy is generic cereal! I go to Aldi's it so cheap. I think that they taste the same if not better.

For the record, that was potentially one of the SWEETEST "how we got together" stories EVER. I got all misty... of course, that happens a lot lately, with the hormones and such, but really! It would have happened even if I wasn't pregnant! I swear!

I LOVED The Pigman! I had completely forgotten about that book. Wasn't there a sequel entitled The Pigman And Me as well? As a kid I loved the idea that it was 2 kids swapping time on the typewriter to tell the story.

Lisa: I never read that one! Maybe I'll search for it at the library sometime soon.

David: Actually, the sequel is The Pigman's Legacy, which is very good but not AS good as the first (what sequel is?). The Pigman and Me was a nonfiction piece. I never read it, though, so I couldn't tell you what it was about.

Good answers on the celebrity thing. I love them both.
As for generic cereal, don't hate me but I recently bougth generic Lucky Charms (I think it's the Kroger brand) and they were *shocker* actually good. It's the first time I've ever been able to handle a generic cereal.

Ok, ok, I know I'm late, but I thought of a question:

What are some habits (quirky or non) that you and Luke have developed as a couple?

For example, Cody and I share a glass of ice water every night before we go to bed, and we put the empty glass in the bathroom, so we always have about five glasses lined up on the bathroom counter.

Now... on to the post... I love what you said about the name Violet. Jen obviously didn't put much thought into it, did she? J/K And I love both Rachel McAdams and Jennifer Garner. They are both beautiful, but not cardboard cut-out beautiful. Does that make sense?

Hope you're family reunion was enjoyable! I'm off to read your love story now...

This is fun! I love the description of Fruit Loops versus Fruity-O's. I will try to keep that in mind for my own kids, wink wink.

I have questions for you...

1. What is the current color on your toenails?

2. If not a writer or a SAHM, what's your next career choice?

3. In a perfect world, if Erica Kane could marry any man and live happily ever after, who would that man be?

4. What do you cook well?

5. Who let the dogs out? (Who? Who? Who? Who?)

You don't love the cheap cold cereals?? Man, I was raised on that crap. We always called them "Fruit Poops" and were happy with them.

That being said, I would die before I even got near a box of generic Mac and Cheese!!

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