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October 04, 2006


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That first one about the boyfriend and why he would rather smoke pot than "make out with me" cracked me up.
I didn't realize there was such an age difference in the oldest and youngest child in your family. Wow.

You did such a great job discussing your siblings. And you are really a great example for them.

I used to love when you would get things in the mail at school from Donna that would always end with "P.S. Donna." I remember how you hung them with pride on our big old ugly closets. :0)

Thanks for the answers. Looking forward to the rest. And don't forget, you were tagged again recently!

Isn't it amazing how different siblings can be? I like to think of myself as "the normal one" but I'm sure my siblings think I've got it all wrong.

Family's are fun, huh??!! Thanks for answering my questions today. Always fun to learn more about people.

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