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October 30, 2006


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Paul Walker (from 'fast and the furious'). Yum.

And I have a weird thing for Kevin Spacey. Did I just say that out loud?

I saw Howie Mandel on Ellen the other day, and he said he's remaking Bobby's World. I think that means he has to grow his curly mullet back. Bobby's World just won't be the same without the curly mullet.

As for your Number Five... I recommend Hugh Jackman with his false American Accent. Aussie accents are usually very sexy (minus Steve Irwin-God rest), but Hugh Jackman seems more manly and rebellious when he's using his American accent. Hubba hubba!

There's also Ryan Gosling, whom I have secretly loved since the days of Breaker High. I want to make out with him.

Or possibly Jack from Lost (is his name Matthew Fox??) whom I have started drooling over in recent weeks.

I can come up with more if you need me to. I'm really good at admiring God's creations.

Sawyer from Lost would totally kick Jack's hiney.

Sawyer. OMG, Sawyer. Frema, I can't stop coming back to this post. *blush*

EEEWWW! Howie? Just sayin'.

I would have to say Mark Consuelos. Even though you ignored him way back when, I definitely think he's worth it.

You guys are scaring me with the Howie confessions. However, American Accent Hugh Jackman and Josh Holloway (Sawyer from Lost) are both excellent, excellent choices.

Girlfriend, you will have to go through me to get to Howie. I'm just sayin'.

1. Matthew McConaughey
2. John Stamos
3. Ryan Gosling
4. Ryan Phillippe (He's a new addition since he might be single soon. He's replacing that football player, Tom Brady)
5. I have a weird thing for Bruce Willis. Not sure why, but I think he's sexy.

Colin. Firth. 'nuf said.

Howie Mandel? Oh friend, you have mentioned him before, but I was hoping that you were just running a very, very high fever. How about guys like Richard Gere? John Travolta? They get better with age!! Mmmmm.

I considered joining the Nablopomojoblo bandwagon, but since I not only can never remember the real pronunciation, nor can I think of ideas for you to post about, my version would be a trainwreck. That gun button in your sidebar? Would totally shoot me.

Just post something funny. You are hilarious! Make me laugh, dammit. You've got a month to do it.

I do promise to comment every day.


I'm in the same conservative mode. And Frema, really, I'm not usually one to be all "You've never seen XYZ?!" But really, Six Feet Under, totally worth the rental, I LOVES me some Peter Krause. So hot, want to touch the hiney... Good stuff, especially the early episodes. Hot hot hot.

I'm warning you, I may have to post my top 5 if I start to run out of material. Swiper no swipe!

You know I would leave my husband in a second for Rhett Miller. My husband knows this, so it's cool.

Matther Fox IS hott. As is Brad Pitt (let's forget about how he cheated on his wife). Who else??? John Cusack is pretty cool...

I need to stop talking now...

Asking us to fill just that last #5 slot is way too much pressure.

Gah...I've been staring at the screen for five minutes and I just can't narrow it down. Okay, how about: George Clooney, Stephen Colbert, Tom Brokaw, Andy Roddick, Christian Bale, and...a young Paul Newman.

Also, posthumous honors go to JFK, Jr. and maybe Richard Feynman?

I myself had trouble coming up with a number 5 for some reason. There are so many to choose from but narrowing it down is really hard. What about John Stewart? I think he's totally hot. And funny to boot.
I'll be thinking of some topics for you to post on and I'll come visit every day and unless I seriously don't have the time, I always comment!

Have you ever done a post on your first kiss? Your first day of high school? Your first crush? The first time you left home for college? Your first car?

You could also post on what you wanted to be when you were younger. All of the jobs you've had in your life. What you miss (or don't miss) about the 80's and 90's. Your favorite holiday memory. If you could bring back one TV show, what would it be? And...the craziest thing you've ever done? If you've answered some of these already, then I'm sorry I haven't paid closer attention.

Hi there! I found you from Kerflop. My pick for your #5...Orlando Bloom. No contest. He is just Yum-O!
I am "doing" NaBloPoMo, too!
Stop by sometime and say hey!

I would have to agree with the Kiefer Sutherland pick. I saw Lost Boys on cable the other night and did so enjoy him as a vampire.

I'm just catching up on your posts...have been so busy lately so I'm going to be making some comments.

I have made "5" lists in the past...they keep evolving I guess.

Some of mine include George Clooney, Matt Damon, John Krasinski (probably my #1 at the moment - totally makes me melt), JR Knight (from Grey's Anatomy - too bad he just came out of the closet)...

On to read more posts!

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